
I'm having some trouble understanding when you can and cannot cast between pointers. For example

  const void* head = static_cast<void*>(new int[10]);
const void* tail = static_cast<int*>(head)+10;

fails because line 2 is an "invalid type conversion". What is wrong here?
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I'm having some trouble understanding when you can and cannot cast between pointers.

FWIW, you generally want to avoid doing this anyway. The whole point of a type being assigned to a pointer is so you can know what you're pointing to. Removing that type system and using a generic void pointer doesn't change what you're pointing to, it only makes it so you no longer know what you're pointing to -- and therefore makes your code more error prone.

Of course there are legitimate times where you'd want to do this, but you generally don't want to.

That said...

const void* head = static_cast<void*>(new int[10]);

You are actually doing 2 casts here:

1) int* to void* (explicit with your static_cast)
2) void* to const void* (implicit with your assignment)

Both of these casts are legal. int* can be cast to void* because they are both non-const and they are compatible pointer types.

void* can be cast to const void* because it's the same type, only you are adding a const qualifier -- which is perfectly OK to do.

const void* tail = static_cast<int*>(head)+10;

You are doing 2 casts here as well:
1) const void* to int* (with your static_cast)
2) int* to const void* (with your assignment)

Note that const void* to int* will fail, because you cannot drop the 'const' qualifier with static_cast. For that, you would need to use const_cast -- although you don't need to drop the const qualifier anyway. You could just cast to a const int*:

const void* tail = static_cast<const int*>(head)+10;

This is also 2 casts, but unlike above they are both legal because we never try to drop the const qualifier:

1) const void* to const int* (static_cast)
2) const int* to const void* (assignment)
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