I know mostly C++. I haven't had any experience using C programming. If anyone knows a bit can they please help me? It's pretty basic what I'm attemping. Is there a function like cin.ignore() that I can use here? The program runs all the way through without asking for my input and it's not finished so ignore the function and stuff..
//Write a function that accepts two arguments, integer n and real number x,
//computes the following series, and returns the computed result:
// 1 - 2(x^2)/1! + 3(x^4)/2! - 4(x^6)/3! + ...+ [(-1)^n](n+1)(x^2n)/n!
#include <stdio.h>
float formula( int n, float x );
int main()
int counter; // Declare counter variable
int n; // Declare integer n
float x; // Declare real number x
char choice = 'y'; // Declare choice variable
while( choice= 'y'|| 'Y' )
printf( " Please enter an integer: \n " ); //Ask for integer
scanf( "%d", &n );
printf(" Now, please enter a real number: \n" );
//Ask for real number
scanf( "&f", &x );
printf( " Do you want to run this program again?\n""Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no." );
//Ask to run again
scanf( "&c", &choice );
return 0;
first of all you need to change the while-loop-condition to this:
while ((choice == 'y') || (choice == 'Y'))
because you don't want to assign the value 'y' to choice but check if it already has the value 'y'.
In addition (choice == 'y' || 'Y')
has the same meaning as ( (choice == 'y') || 'Y')
but since 'Y' is not a boolean, this is not allowed or will at least give an result you don't want, so you have to write ((choice == 'y') || (choice == 'Y'))
Another thing i've noticed is that you did not use scanf the right way. The first time you call it is correct, but when you prompt for a floating point number and a character, you've used the '&'-operator instead of the '%', which you should use between the quotation marks.