Beginner Requesting Advice

Hello everyone! My name is Jack, and I've come to you in seek of help. I have a fairly basic understanding of computers, though I do learn quickly. I've recently become infatuated with the idea of learning to script, write programs, and edit scripts and programs. My inspiration comes from wanting to edit video games on my computer (ROMs played with emulators) but now writing basic programs would appease my appetite for tech knowledge.

I began by looking up binary code, which I now loosely understand (I can count in it, figure out what numbers are in binary, but other than that I know nothing about binary code). I also loosely understand hexadecimal, but even less than binary. I came upon this site by a fluke and have discovered C++ to be a very popular programming language. I looked at the tutorial page, and would like to begin my journey into the world of computer languages, but do not have a 'Compiler'. If someone could give me a link to download a good compiler, I would greatly appreciate it! Something basic would be great, nothing overly complicated, please!

With the kindest of regards,
This article should help you:
My suggestion is Code::Blocks + gcc
Thank you! I downloaded Code::Blocks which apparently comes with GCC. I need a spot of extra help now. I opened up Code::Blocks, started a new blank file, and wrote the script or whatever you want to call it from the tutorial ( It looks fine, and I saved it as a C/C++ file. How do I make it a program, or open it as a program?
You need to start a new project - choose Console application - and a sourcefile will be generated.
You can edit that file and then you need to compile it.
To compile and run your program press F9 or click the "Build and run" button ( it's icon is a blue gear with a red arrow )
Thank you Bazzy! I tried that and I get this message in the 'Build log': "First Attempt - Debug" uses an invalid compiler. Skipping...
Nothing to be done.

I'm not sure what this means, any more help would be greatly appreciated.
Did you specify the compiler when you created the project?
Yes, and I retried it to be sure. This is what my project looks like so far: I appreciate your time immensely!
I haven't tried out Code::Blocks, I use Notepad++ and save as a cpp file then use the command prompt to compile with GCC.


g++ code.cpp -o code.exe

not sure if that will work for you or not.

Try using Microsoft Visual C++ Express, its is very good and very free :). Ignore all the alarming buttons and sidebars and focus on the writing code. Although I'm not sure you should use the Herb Schildt ebook.

try bloodshep devc++. i use it and i encountered no problems. choosing IDEs are basically by preference anyway.
here's the link:
Dev-C++ is old and bad.

Are you sure to have downloaded Code::Blocks with the compiler?
You may have downloaded only the IDE
Try to download MinGW ( gcc for Windows )
You can select the compiler under the Project Build Options
Thank you all so much! I've decided simply to try Microsoft's compiler.
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