My code is supposed to take an array from a fileInput and use each indvidual entry in an equation then it outputs the result onto another file. However, I am having trouble getting each entry in the equation.
Sorry if I don't use the proper words to describe my problem. This is actually my first semester using C++ and I've done past assignments pretty well but this one confuses me since it has a lot of things at once going on, and I've been working on it for 2 days now. Just a few hints would be appreciated.
Here is the original question:
a) Read “distance1.txt” and “distance2.txt” – These are 15 x 10 matrices.
a) Use 1/sqrt(2*3.14)*exp^(-x^(2)/2) on each entry of these two matrices. (x is the individual entry from the matrix)
b) Generate “distribution1.txt” and “distribution2.txt” based on the result of the previous step – the dimension has to be 15 x 10 for each matrix in the individual txt file.
And this is what I've got so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
int main () {
std::string array;
int numbers [15][10];
std::ifstream fileInput("distance1.txt");
if (fileInput.is_open()) {
std::cout << "The following arrays have been recorded..\n\n";
for (int row=0;row<15;row++){
for(int column=0;column<10;column++){
}else { //couldn't open file
std::cout <<"The file could not be opened ! \n";
return 1; //Indicates a problem occurred.
//Wait for the user to press Enter or Return.
std::cout <<"Press Enter or Return to continue.\n";
I'd create 3 functions: void readArray(int arr[15][10], istream &is) should read the array from "is" into arr. writeArray(int arr[15][10], ostream &os) should write the array out to os. Finally changeArray(int arr[15][10]) should modify the array using the formula given.
- Create readArray() and writeArray(). Write the main() program to read distance1.txt and write it out (unchanged) to distribution1.txt.
- Next create changeArray(). Modify the main() program to change the array so that distribution1.txt has the right values.
- Check a few of the values in distribution1.txt with a calculator to make sure they are right. Don't worry about small differences.
Finally, add code to main to read/change/write distance1.txt.