Hello, I'm looking to create a struct that does the following..
-Open the two input files and test the streams. (I'll post the txt files afterwards to give a better grasp on what I'm working with)
-Stream the data items into a struct member of the array that I'll call inventoryItem struct member of the array.
-Count each inventory item in itemCount and use this value to position the next array element, close the file, and display the count of inventory records.
-Read the purchase records until end of file into purchaseItem struct.
-Use purchaseItem.purchaseItemCode to look up and match an item found in inventoryItem[pos].itemCode array. When a match is found, use pos to select and pass the entire inventoryItem[pos] struct as a parameter to the display routine.
-Use void function displayPurchaseInfo(purchaseRec pInfo, inventoryRec iInfo);
that will output the current line of the purchase info.
-Pass the current purchase record and matching inventory record that was selected as struct parameters.
-Move purchaseTotal to this procedure as a local variable and calculate that value before displaying.
-Multiplay pInfo.purchaseQty by iInfo.itemPrice for output and display iInfo.itemDescription on the output line.
I'm not asking for somebody to come along and create the program for me, but I am asking for a helping hand to point me in the right direction. Youtube didn't seem to have anything other than pretty basic structs that didn't accomplish much, and my book has a little info but I'm still having issues obviously.
Presented below is kind of a skeleton basically declaring some of the things that will be used here, and the .txt files at the very bottom. Any assistance of any sort is really appreciated. Thank you all for giving this a read at least.
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#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct purchaseRec
int purchaseNum;
string purchaseItemCode;
long purchaseQty;
struct inventoryRec
string itemCode;
float itemPrice;
long itemOnHand;
string itemName;
void displayPurchaseInfo(purchaseRec pInfo, inventoryRec iInfo);
int main()
purchaseRec purchaseItem;
inventoryRec inventoryItem[20];
int itemCount = 0;
int purchaseCount = 0;
int pos;
double purchaseTotal;
ifstream inventoryFile("Inventory.txt");
ifstream purchaseFile("Purchases.txt");
return 0;
My two .txt files purchases.txt and inventory.txt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
361 DQ114 31
362 CL120 215
363 FA105 12
364 FZ225 21
365 BY604 1
366 BL114 2
367 EG802 16
368 AX205 3
369 DQ114 18
370 AX205 2
371 DD889 325
372 CL455 78
373 AX205 5
374 FA105 43
375 BY604 2
376 EG802 3
377 DD889 208
378 FA105 74
379 FZ225 32
380 BY604 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
AX205 114.95 18 Phoenix_Juicer
BL114 149.95 42 Harper_Sound_Monitor
BY604 469.95 8 Feld_Convection_Oven
CL120 27.49 345 Holden_DoorGuard
CL455 69.95 201 Entrex_Static_Mat
DD889 14.25 893 Evans_FloorCote
DQ114 18.49 81 Lerner_Multi-Timer
EG802 34.95 22 Zygran_Humidifier
FA105 7.95 137 Olden_Video_Splitter
FZ225 12.49 73 Yard-eze_CarryAll