How many calls necessary for quickSort

I was given this question and was hoping someone can let me know if my answer is correct.

How many recursive calls are necessary when quickSort sorts an array of size n if you use median-of-three pivot selection? State any assumptions you make about the value of n.

I say the answer is n because when you use median-of-three isnt that the best case scenario?
The best case scenario occurs when the initial pivot value is the actual median. Median-of-three doesn't guarantee that.
So what does it mean to be the median of three?
I'm guess it means something like this:

int arr[] = { 3, 7, 8, 2, 5 };

Median of three would be arr[2] (since the range is from arr[0] to arr[4], but given the values in the array, the actual median is arr[4] (5).

Of course, when you're sorting you have no idea of what the actual median is, or else there would be no need to sort it in the first place.
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so then wouldnt it just be the average case of n log n?
i still cant figure out what the answer is
Just did a quick google search on what "median of three" actually means:

To paraphrase, take the middle and end elements of an array, sort them, and use the middle element as pivot.

This guarantees that you will never have the worst-case scenario of picking a pivot which contains the lowest or highest value in the array.

I've got no idea of exactly how many recursive calls would be necessary though. I guess since arrays of 3 elements or less will be sorted before you do the quicksort, the number of recursive calls should be 2 less than normal.

quicksort(a[], 0, 2) calls quicksort(a[], 0, 0) and quicksort(a[], 2, 2)

Median of three:
quicksort(a[], 0, 2) array is totally sorted with median of three
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