problem with vector

Please help me solve this problem :(
thank you

Shape hierarchy (The first level is Shape, and the second level consists of the classes TwoDimensionalShape and ThreeDimensionalShape.)

Implement the Shape hierarchy. Each TwoDimensionalShape should contain function getArea to calculate the area of the two-dimensional shape. Each ThreeDimensionalShape should have member functions getArea and getVolume to calculate the surface area and volume of the three-dimensional shape, respectively. Create a program that uses a vector of Shape pointers to objects of each concrete class in the hierarchy. The program should print the object to which each vector element points. Also, in the loop that processes all the shapes
in the vector, determine whether each shape is a TwoDimensionalShape or a
ThreeDimensionalShape. If a shape is a TwoDimensionalShape, display its area. If a shape is a ThreeDimensionalShape, display its area and volume.

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For the love of God, we will not do your homework for you! At least make an attempt at writing the program. I've only read the first few lines but that is easy enough to do if you simply read a tutorial!

You could even be clever here and use polymorphism for getArea
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