First software

Hey all,

Ive been learning C++ for awhile now and Im interested in building my own applications/ software that I can use on a daily basis. I have a workout routine and I would like to build a program that acts just like a product you would buy from the store. Any advice on tutorials, sites, or books would be awesome!
I'm not sure how you would make a program that acts like food.

You need to be a lot more specific with what you want. If you don't know what you want, we can't help you.
What? Lol. No like software you buy to do your taxes or something....
That's still very vague. Give a specific example of what you want to do.
As the others already have commented above, show us a better vision about what you would like to do. No one can help you if you don't be specific with your goals.
Ok, right now I keep my workout and weight maxes in an excel spread sheet. Every week I do a certain percentage of my max and reps in a wave. So for example wave 1 is 5X15 at 45% of my max. The issue is I have to manually input and find the percentages as well as increase my max when I test myself for growth. I would like a program that would keep track of my routine and automaticly update my weight when I grow.
closed account (2LzbRXSz)
Well, anything like that would require engineering. Making something to keep track of that automatically. Like a pedometer and a scale that sync to a device such as your phone. I mean, I get what you're saying - you want to make tools in general that will be useful to you in your day to day life. It takes a little more than programming though for what you want to do - but anything is possible.

If you want to make a computer program that keeps track, you'll still have to manually input your data. iPhone has that health app - it keeps track of your steps and any other health data you want but you have to manually input that stuff. I think a few years ago they came out with a Nike watch that operates similar to what you're trying to do? I know next to nothing about it though.

EDIT: Sorry - misread what you wrote! You want it to automatically do the math for you - That is VERY doable.
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What I don't know is how to store the input permanently and how to create an interface for it.
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