Write a program that will simulate an ATM machine where you can access different transactions such as deposit, withdrawal and inquiry for the current balance. Consider the following:
1. Since we don’t have any repository where we can retrieve the current balance. It is required that your program will ask for the depositor’s current balance.
Ex: Enter the current balance: $ 5000.00 Note: You may apply system (“cls”) (supported by: #include<windows.h> to clear the screen before a menu appears.
2. A menu will then appear asking the depositor’s choice:
[D] Deposit Transaction
[W] Withdrawal Transaction
[B] Balance Inquiry
[E] Exit
Enter your desired transaction: D
Note: The user can input a lower case or upper case letter for the choice.
3. Once the user’s choice is :
a. D - A deposit transaction is permitted. The program will then ask for the amount to be deposited then added to the current balance for updating the new balance.
b. B – A balance inquiry transaction will be permitted. The program will then view the current balance of the depositor.
c. W – A withdrawal transaction is permitted asking the user to input the amount to be withdrawn base of the following conditions:
i. If the current balance is greater than the requested amount withdrawal transaction will be permitted
ii. If the current balance is less than the requested amount, the program will prompt the user for the insufficient amount to be deposited and ask the user to input another amount.
iii. If the current balance is equal to the requested amount the program should prompt the depositor a warning for 0.00 balances.
d. E – to terminate the program
4. After different transactions are being processed your program should ask the user if another transaction is desired by pressing ‘Y’ or ‘y’ else a “Thank You” message will appear for using the program.
@ gcampton --
We should make a program that looks like an ATM.,it should also has the same features and functions like an ATM. And we should make at least three accounts.
Write a pseudo-code?yes, we'll do that. But I'm really begging for ideas. :)