Implementing a Stack
I have used a struct to create this program but don't know how to implement a stack for the below program. Please your help will be much helpful.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct items_buying {
string productID;
int proQuantity;
float unitPrice;
float lineTotal;
string prodDescription;
} items [3];
void printitems (items_buying items);
void welcomemessage()
cout<< setfill(' ')<< setw(27) << " " << setw(15) << " Welcome to Steve's Shop"<< endl<< endl<< endl;
cout<< setfill(' ')<< setw(15) << " " << setw(15) << "INSTRUCTIONS: Please enter the item description, "<< endl;
cout<< setfill(' ')<< setw(29) << " " << setw(15) << "quantity and then price per item."<< endl;
char userAnswer;
int main ()
string myString;
// variable to store intProductId for the generation of auto key ID
int intProductId = 0;
// a float variable to store totalPriceItems
float totalPriceItems = 0;
// string variable to store strID
string strID;
int n = 0;
cout<< endl;
//strProductId = "P";
for(n = 0; n<3;n++)
cout<< "================================================================================"<< endl;
// 1st input
//items[n].productID = intProductId;
// increment intProductId by 1
// C++11 function overload for integer convesion to string
strID = "P0000"+to_string(intProductId);
items[n].productID = strID;
// 2nd input
cout << "Enter product description: ";
getline (cin,items[n].prodDescription);
cout<< endl;
// 3rd input
cout << "Enter Quantity: ";
stringstream(myString) >> items[n].proQuantity;
cout<< endl;
// 4th input
cout<< "Enter unit price: "<< char(156)<< " ";
stringstream(myString) >> items[n].unitPrice;
items[n].lineTotal = items[n].proQuantity * items[n].unitPrice;
totalPriceItems += items[n].lineTotal;
cout<< "================================================================================"<< endl;
// then clear the screen for new input
cout << endl<< "You have entered these items:"<< endl<< endl;
// organise the table
cout << setfill(' ')<< setw(1) << "|" << setw(15) << left<< "Product ID"<< setw(1)<< "|"<< setw(15)<< left<< "Description"<< setw(1) << "|" << setw(5)<< left<< "Quantity"<< setw(2)<< " "<< setw(1)<< "|"<< setw(6)<< left<< "Unit Price"<< setw(2)<< " "<<setw(1)<< "|" << setw(15)<< left << "Line Total"<< endl;
// output the items entered
for (n=0; n<3; n++)
printitems (items[n]);
cout<< setfill('-')<< setw(1)<< "+"<< setw(15)<< "-"<< setw(1) << "+"<< setw(15)<< "-"<< setw(1)<< "+"<< setw(10)<< "-"<< setw(1)<< "+" << setw(12)<< "-"<< "+" << setw(12)<< "-"<< "+" << endl;
cout<< setfill(' ')<< setw(50)<< " "<< right<< "Subtotal "<< char(156)<< " "<< totalPriceItems<< endl;
cout<< "Tax is: 20%"<< endl;
float totalDue = 0.00, taxAcc = 0.00;
totalDue = (1.20 * totalPriceItems);
cout<< setfill(' ')<< setw(49)<< " "<< right<< "Sales Tax "<< char(156)<< " "<< (totalDue - totalPriceItems)<< endl;
cout<< setfill(' ')<< setw(49)<< " "<< right<< "Total Due "<< char(156)<< " "<< totalDue<< endl;
cout<< "Do you want to start again? ";
cin>> userAnswer;
if (userAnswer=='y'|| userAnswer =='Y')
goto start_program;
goto end_program;
cout<< "Press Enter to exit...";
// print function to display all the items bought
void printitems (items_buying items)
cout<< setfill('-')<< setw(1)<< "+"<< setw(15)<< "-"<< setw(1)<< "+"<< setw(15)<< "-"<< setw(1) << "+"<< setw(10)<< "-"<< setw(1)<< "+"<< setw(12)<< "-"<< setw(1)<< "+" << setw(12)<< "-"<< "+" << endl;
cout<< setfill(' ')<< setw(1)<< "|"<< setw(15)<< left<< (items.productID)<< setw(1)<< "|"<< setw(15)<< left<< items.prodDescription<< setw(1)<< "|"<< items.proQuantity<< setw(1)<< setw(8)<< " "<< "|"<< setw(4)<< left<< setprecision(6)<< items.unitPrice<< setw(6)<< " "<< setw(1)<< "|"<< setw(12)<< right<< items.lineTotal<< "|"<< endl;
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