How to start?

So hey!
I am new here and i would like to learn how to program. Problem is i don't know where to start so I was like... Well i should set some kind of goal so i can learn while i progress and it should be high goal so i won't achieve it quckly. Game! Yea that would be great!...But i don't want to do graphic stuff like shading etc but i don't care if i had to do something like snake... so i will create engine!... Oh yeah... Team of programmers are creating engine for quite long time... so something simplier... But what?! Help me!
You should begin learning language features, like Control Handling (if/switch), to Loops (while/do while/for), to Functions and Classes.
Once you feel familiar enough, you should get on libraries (from standard libraries, STL aka namespace std, to external libraries like OpenGL or, if you want something simpler and CPU-bound, WINAPI).
It's probably going to take a while from your starting point to a point where you can write entire games (if you feel in a hurry, you can try making a console game with the STL, too).
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