I am supposed to write a program that lets the user enter three positive values: a, b, and n. a is the lower bound and b is the upper bound and n is the power of x. I don't know where to begin to start creating this program using functions. Every where I have looked it is very hard to create an integral in c++. Any help with be much appreciated.
If you cannot do this problem on paper (without a program), it is going to be very difficult for you to write a program to do it. You have to understand how to do an integral yourself before you can write a program to do that.
Do you understand how to solve an integral like this without using code?
I understand how to do integrals. My problem is that I am having trouble trying to get the logic into code to make the program run correctly.
At this point I'm not sure how much to believe from you. Your question is exceedingly vague, you refuse to clarify when asked, and you show no proof of effort.
So, can you write a function to solve a simple algebraic expression?
Because it sounds like that's all you are expected to do. You may find the std::pow() function in <cmath> useful.