Hello everyone. I have been learning c++ for some time now. I am using two books c++ how to program and jumping into c++. I am doing it a little slowly because I don't jump on the next topic before I fully understand the last one. But I want to do some graphics programming in something like SDL or SFML so how much knowledge of c++ should I have to start graphics programming and I think practically applying the concepts might make me a better programmer. I will appreciate any help.
For c++ Definitely go for SFML. Ive been using it for a while now. Judging by the fact that you've read 2 books and fully understood them as you said, you'll do well on SFML.
Ive been studying c++ since september, never read any books though, and I made a space invaders game in about a week using SFML.
to learn SDL/SFML basic C++ knowledge of this site's tutorials are enough.
however, more advanced topics such as, details of linked lists, STL, polymorphism, smart pointers etc will make your life much easier.