Display scores in rows

I have to write a program that read the DataFile.txt and display scores in rows of three scores. But, I do not know how to display in rows of three.

//This is my code
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void main()
string dataFile = "DataFile.txt";
ifstream fin;

int num, ns;

ns = 0;
fin >> num; // Read first data value

while (!fin.eof())
cout << num << " "; // ?.. This displays all data in a single rows. How to display this in rows of three scores?
fin >> num; // Read next data value
cout << endl << endl;


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You could first initialize the variable, ns to be 1, instead of 0. Then, after your ++ns, (which probably should be ns++;), have,
if(ns %3 == 0)
cout << endl;

That should do it.
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Works perfect. Thank you for your help.
My pleasure, XyzAbc
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