Have an exam coming up and was doing some practice questions. I don't have an answer key so I'd like for someone to check my work.
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1.[10] Consider the following code fragment:
string s1 = "Hi", s2 = "Hello", s3;
s3 = (s1 < s2) ? s1 : s2;
cout << s3;
Write out what output this code generates. Name the operation
on the second line of the fragment and explain how it operates.
Rewrite the second line using either branching or looping
2.[10] Explain the differences between prefix and suffix form of the increment
operator. Consider the following code fragment:
int a=3, b=4, c;
c = (a++) - (++b);
cout << a << " " << b << " " << c;
What output does it generate? Explain your answer.
3.[10] Explain the difference between while and do-while looping
constructs. Rewrite the following code with either while
or do-while.
for(int i=0; i < 10; i++)
cout << i << ' ';
4.[15] Describe how "break" and "continue" statements work with
looping constructs. Consider the following code fragment:
int i=0;
while (i < 10){
if (i > 5) break;
cout << i << " ";
cout << i;
What out would this code generate? How would the output change
if "break" is replaced by "continue"? Explain your answers.
For both cases write out the exact output.
5.[10] Define the notion of variable scope. Consider the following code
int a = 3;
if (a > 0) {
double a = 10.0;
cout << a << " ";
cout << a;
Write out what output this code generates. Explain your answer.
6.[15] Name and explain parameter-passing disciplines we studied.
Consider the following code fragment:
int function1(int);
int function2(int&);
int main(){
int a=3, b=4;
int c = function1(a);
int d = function2(b);
cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << " " << d;
int function1(int aa){
return aa;
int function2(int &bb){
return bb;
Write out what output this code generates. Explain your
7.[15] Consider the following code fragment:
const int SIZE=10;
int myarray[SIZE];
// here goes the code that assigns the array
// values to each element of the array
// assume it already exists do not write it
int number;
cout << "Input the number to search for: ";
cin >> number;
// here goes the code you need to write
Complete this fragment such that the resultant code checks
whether the input number is in the array "myarray" and outputs
the result. Specifically, your code needs to produce one of
the two outputs
example one:
Input the number to search for: 60
example two
Input the number to search for: 33
That is, depending on the input your code needs to output
either "FOUND" or "NOT FOUND". Write out the code. Explain
how it works.
8.[15] Describe what structures in C++ are and what their purpose
is. Explain what structure variable and member variable are.
Assuming the following structure definition.
struct exampleStruct {
int a;
string b;
consider the below code:
exampleStruct x[10];
Write code that assigns a value to every member variable of the
fifth element of the array "x". The value is of your choosing.
Explain the operation of your code.
1. The code outputs – Hi
The operation compares s1 and s2 in terms of s1 is less than s2. Because this is true s1 : s2 means that s3 becomes “Hi” because of the “?”, or conditional operator.
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If (s1 < s2){
S3 = s1;}
s3 = s2;
2. Prefix is used to increment a value before the line is completed, suffix is used to increment a value after the line is completed.
Output: 4 5 -2
3. The difference between while and do-while is with do-while, the code is completed first and then it continues until the condition is not met. With while, the condition is first checked and then the code is implemented until the condition is not met.
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int i= 0;
cout << i << " ";
while (i < 10);
4. Break is used to terminate a loop and continue with the rest of the program. Continue is used ignore the rest of the statements in a loop and reset to the condition
The code would generate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 If break were replaced 0 1 2 3 4 5 10
The code would follow the loop until I reached 6 where it would break. The second code would follow the loop until I reached 6 and then would no longer cout << I until it reached 10 where it exited the loop and was printed one last time at 10.
5. Variable scope deals with global and local variables, global variables are defined outside of a function while a local variable is defined inside a variable.
The output of the code is 10 3 because a is a global variable initialized in the main function and a different one in the for loop, resulting in int a staying at the value of 3 and the double a staying at the value of 10.0.
6. Not sure how to explain parameter passing disciplines
The output: 3 5 4 5 this is because function1 does not use call-by-reference while function2 does. Function1 gets the value of c by adding 1 to a but not changing the value of a. Function2 gets d by adding 1 to b and also changing the value of b in the main function.
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int main(){
const int SIZE = 10;
int myarray[SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i){
int a = i;
myarray[i] = 10 * a;
int number;
cout << "Input the number to search for: ";
cin >> number;
auto result = std::find(std::begin(myarray), std::end(myarray), number);
if (result != std::end(myarray)) {
cout << "FOUND" << endl;
else {
cout << "NOT FOUND" << endl;
I just decided to write the extra code that matches the output of the question. But the code I wrote for the second part uses std::find to search myarray for the number the user input. If it is found the program outputs “FOUND” if not “NOT FOUND”
8. Confused on this one.