Hey all, I'm trying to write a function to call to main that will remove a string element in a user input array.
This is the code I currently have for the function:
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void removeName(string remove, string array[], int size)
cout << "Which name would you like to remove? ";
cin >> remove;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (array[i] == remove)
And this is the call to main:
removeName(remove, names, size);
I don't need to run this to know it doesn't work (but I tested it anyway and it doesn't), but I'm not sure how to fix it. I know it needs to change the array somehow. I tried using the function:
void removeName(string remove, string& array[], int size)
But got a "creating array of references" error, and no idea what that is. Is anyone able to help or suggest something to try?
void removeName(string remove, string array[], int&size)
// Note: size must be decreased if found, hence you pass it as a reference
cout << "Which name would you like to remove? ";
cin >> remove;
bool is_found = false; // Note
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
// Note:
array[i-1] = array[i];
elseif (array[i] == remove)
is_found = true;
--size; // Note: since it's passed as a reference the callers (in main) variable is modified
Thank you coder, it worked! Theoretically, would the same base syntax work for adding an element to an array, but replace array[i-1] with array[i+1] and replace --i with ++i?
Just replacing wouldn't suffice. You need to move the elements from the last index (size - 1) until the the index in question. And you need to make sure that array is large enough to hold the additional element.