New to programming, need help

I need help with this, The assignment is:

You and your friends are going to have a movie marathon! Create a program that will determine if you have enough time left to keep watching movies. The program will be able to convert time in minutes to time in hours and vice versa, based on your inputs. When run, the program should ask the user how much time they have and then display a menu, as shown below:
How many hours do you have to watch movies?

You will be entering the length of your next movie in...
A. Hours
B. Minutes
Please choose an option:
If the user types A, the program should ask for an integer number of hours and convert it to the corresponding number of minutes. Three hours, for example, are 180 minutes.
If the user types B, the program should ask for an integer number of minutes and convert it to the corresponding number of hours. Output should be given as two numbers: hours (an integer) and leftover minutes (also an integer). For example, 120 minutes are 2 hours and 0 minutes; 200 minutes are 3 hours and 20 minutes.
If the user enters anything other than A or B, the menu should be shown again until the user enters a valid option.
The program should quit when there is not enough time left to watch the next movie.


This is what i have so far.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

int hours = 0, minutes = 0,TotalMovieMinutes = 0, MinutesLeft = 0, Movieminutes, MovieHours;

char choice; //The variable can be A or B

cout << "How many hours do you have to watch movies?" << endl;

cin >> hours;

TotalMovieMinutes = hours * 60; // total minutes watched

MinutesLeft = TotalMovieMinutes;

return 0;


Please Help Me!

Hey. Just as I recommend to all new beginners that havent got the basics down yet, Watch these videos -

He got excellent tutorials on pretty much all the basics. Watch him and code with him and you'll be able to do this program easily.

You dont need to watch all of them, just the important ones between 1-20 for this assignment atleast. Jump over the videos about classes since you wont be needing them. Focus no the if statements and loops etc.
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