How should I proceed with my C++ study?

Hi, guys. I have been studying C++ for about a year. I finished reading C++ Primer by Stanley Lippman, and stagnated since then.

Someone suggested that I could learn SDL, but I could find any books about SDL, so I tried to learn it with this online resource But the thing was that as I went through the first few tutorials, I sensed that I knew nothing about the functions or classes mentioned in the tutorials at all. It felt like I could roughly understand what the programs were about with the aid of the comments and some explanations on the website, but I definitely could not write something similar on my own, and this feeling sucked.

Moreover, I still feel that I do not have a solid foundation in C++. Even though I know the basics about templates, inherentance and a little bit about object oriented programming, but it just does not feel natural to use them when I write code.

I'm kind of lost now. Should I continue to learn SDL and see how it goes? Or should I find a intermediate level C++ book to read, like Exceptional C++? Any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your replies.
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