I believe I have the solution to your problem, @nevadarain.
Now, normally I just provide helpful suggestions and links on how to fix what's wrong, but you seem a little confused (no offense), so I have no choice but to just give you the answer...
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string nevadarainsFeelings;
string how_nevadarain_approached_the_situation;
string communitysFeelings;
if (nevadarainsFeelings == "unhappy")
if (how_nevadarain_approached_the_situation == "Made a helpful suggeston on how to fix his problem, or improve the community")
communitysFeelings = "Happy and ready to help.";
// In the best case scenario...
nevadarainsFeelings = "Improved";
else if (how_nevadarain_approached_the_situation == "Complained without giving an example, coming off as an angsty teenager")
communitysFeelings = "Confused, hurt, honest, but still probably willing to help"; /* Assuming of course. At
least, that's how I would
feel, since I always try my
best to give informative
answers. Honestly though, I
didn't think anything of it.
When I saw this post
earlier, I thought he was
just being a punk. */
nevadarainsFeelings = "Unimproved";
exit(0); // nevadarain realizes that he is unhappy, but is unsure how to fix his problem. He leaves cplusplus.com
I know, it's a bit simplistic. It could be more efficient, but I did it on a whim just to show you an example of how to handle the situation.
Feel free to read any of these links to learn a little more about any of the following methods used here:)
http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/variables/ Variables
http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/control/ If statements
http://lifehacker.com/5795228/how-to-solve-just-about-any-problem Problem solving (honestly I just skimmed it, but it seems pretty useful!)
http://askville.amazon.com/politely-smell/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=10134425 I know, it's a bit of a stretch, but if you manipulate the situation slightly, this approach can work in just about any conflict.
Hope I could be of help!