printing program

hello everyone
I am working in a biomedical department in a hospital and they have to test each device in the hospital in a specific date that due to the device check period they allready having this in an excel list and when the date come they print a test request sheet so they can follow aech device individually, so they are trying to buy a program to automaticlly print the request sheet so they can save time and reduce human errors.i want to do this so i can get a iam not a programmer and iam trying to have courses but now there is no time if any one can help me to do so i will be greatfull
Just imagine what problems a simple off-by-one error can cause in this situation. "Biomedical", "testing" and "no experience" are a very scary combination.

Even the most experienced programmers make mistakes. That's why most professional programmers work in organizations with a software quality assurance department -- to find where we screwed up.

What is the worst case if you made a mistake an your program accidentally skipped one device each day?
thanks PanGalactic for the reply...
but for sure no one is perfect and we can't write a perfect program from the first time, what they usually do when they having a new software they will try it for several months before they depend on it..
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