Good C++ Tutorials

I'm honestly not trying to be blunt with this question, but how good are the tutorials on this website for C++?

What I mean by this is that I've read many C++ tutorials on other websites and they can be hard to understand. I barely know any C++ and I am looking for good guides.

Thank you.
I have never had any formal education in C++, nor have I read any books (though I recommend you do - I'm just lazy). I started learning C++ from the tutorial on this site just before my freshmen year of high school. Everything I know is from publicly/freely available information on the internet - obviously this tutorial didn't teach me everything but it was my starting point. I think it is a good tutorial.

It doesn't take long to read, so just go ahead and read it ;)

EDIT: If you're interested in books, check out this list of good ones (there are bad books too, you know):
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Check out Buckys tutorials on youtube. They are fantastics for learning basics of c++!
I am also new to c++.....there are literally millions of tutorials out there, and a lot of them seem to be tailored in different ways.....I guess they use different compilers. Personally, Im using Bloodshed Dev-C++, and if you would like...I can give you some of the tutorials my professor has given me. It has helped me out a bit......This website has a great set of tutorials available; however, I am not sure which compiler is the most common around here. I would assume CodeBlocks is...... Let me know if you need those tut's, and ill upload em to my androidfilehost or box accounts....We can help each other out, and I can share with you what I know

I forgot to mention, there is a very good book out there by Alex Allain. It's called Jumping into C++. You can google that, and probably find the link for it. It is something you have to buy, but there are other ways of getting the pdf (if you get where im going with this).....
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Thank you all of you. I'll take into consideration what you guys have said :)
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