populate function is not working properly!
Feb 19, 2015 at 12:58am UTC
I am not finished with the program yet but the populate function isn't working properly. The first record is only taking the phone number, but the second and the third records are taking both name and the phone number. can anyone tell me what is wrong?
Thank you
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using namespace std;
const int numofels=3;
struct teletype
string name;
string phoneno;
teletype *nextAdd;
void populate(teletype *);
void display(teletype *);
void insert(teletype *);
void modify(teletype *);
void remove(teletype *);
int main()
int choice;
teletype *list, *current, *newrecpoint;
list = new teletype;
current = list;
while (true )
cout << "Pick an option from the following menu:" << endl;
cout << "1. Create an initial list of name and phone numbers" << endl;
cout << "2. Insert a new structure into the linked list" << endl;
cout << "3. Modify an existing structure in the linked list" << endl;
cout << "4. Delete an existing structure from the list" << endl;
cout << "5. Exit from the program" << endl << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 1){
for (int i = 0; i < numofels-1 ; i++)
current->nextAdd = new teletype;
current = current->nextAdd;
current->nextAdd = NULL;
cout << "The list is:" << endl;
else if (choice == 2){
newrecpoint = new teletype;
else if (choice == 5){
cout << "Good Bye!" ;
cout << "Enter a number 1-5 " << endl<<endl;
system("pause" );
return 0;
void populate(teletype *record)
cout << "Enter a name: " ;
getline(cin, record->name);
cout << "Enter the phone number: " ;
getline(cin, record->phoneno);
cout << endl;
return ;
void display(teletype *contents)
while (contents != NULL)
cout << endl << setiosflags(ios::left)
<< setw(30) << contents->name
<< setw(20) << contents->phoneno;
contents = contents->nextAdd;
cout << endl;
return ;
void insert(teletype *newrecord)
cout << "Enter a name: " ;
getline(cin, newrecord->name);
cout << "Enter the phone number: " ;
getline(cin, newrecord->phoneno);
cout << endl;
return ;
Feb 19, 2015 at 1:06am UTC
The function is working fine. The issue is that formatted input operations (such as line 41) leave the newline in the stream buffer. The next time you call
getline , it sees that newline character and gets a blank line from it.
If you want a quick fix, add this after line 41:
cin.ignore line)
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