What's C++ for?

I'm planning to learn C++ but first I need to know what's it's for. Also, can C++ be used to make databases and computer programs that can connect to the Internet?

C++ can be used for anything. It's not really "for" anything in specific, but it lends itself to some tasks better than others.

Normally, you would use existing database software instead of coding it in C++ yourself.

Yes, you can connect to the internet in C++ with libraries like CURL.
You can use C++ for most cases. You need the right libraries, like POCO:


for this particular case (database/internet)
C++ is for creating high-paying jobs for programmers. ;)

What are libraries?
A library is code that is ready to use for your purpose
What are libraries? 

they are the built-in codes in the language that you can use to create a programs.
Lorence30 wrote:
they are the built-in codes in the language that you can use to create a programs.
Generally, no. The only 'library' that could be considered built-in is the C++ Standard Library itself, but this isn't what people are usually referring to when they use the word 'library'.
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