Could you help with an error I am getting with the IF(totalMinutes==0). I need to have a error message stating that 0 is not acceptable.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/**************************** main Function **************************/
int main()
float parkingFee;
int totalMinutes, hoursParked, minutesParked;
//Get the total minutes parked and check to make sure the input is not zero
cout<<"Enter total minutes parked:"<<endl;
cout<<"You have not entered a valid number"<<endl;
//If minutes is not zero, compute hours & minutes
//Compute the parking fee for total # of hours parked
//If there are any left over minutes and a dollar to parking fee
//Display total hours, minutes and parking fee.
cout<<"The total time parked is:"<<hoursParked<<"hours"<<minutesParked<<"minutes"<<endl;
cout<<"The total parking fee is:"<<parkingFee<<endl;
Text in the compiler is case sensitive and "IF" is not valid but "if" is. You may want a loop to make sure that totalMinutes contains a valid number before moving on to calculations:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
cout << "Enter total minutes parked:" << endl;
cin >> totalMinutes;
while(totalMinutes<=0) // wouldn't want negative or 0
cout<<"You have not entered a valid number!"<<endl;
cout << "Please enter total minutes parked: ";
cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(),'\n'); // flush chars out of cin buffer
cin.clear(); // reset cin error flags
cin >> totalMinutes;