where can i find a download for c plus?

where can i find a download for c plus and what program should i build to start me out like something baisc and easy?
1.You don't download C++; you download a C++ compiler. This takes your source code and builds it, then links it into an executable. If you're running windows or Linux; I would strongly recommend you use Code::Blocks http://www.codeblocks.org/ it's a very easy to use IDE (integrated development environment; essentially a text editor with some buttons you can press to automagically compile your code). A common compiler is gcc or g++; they both come with Codeblocks I believe. If you use Linux you will have to build it from source (unless you use Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint, then you just have to open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install codeblocks"). Building programs from source code is usually fairly easy (although people seem to think it's hard, but it just takes longer). To build from source, download the source code (here: http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/6 ) to a directory, e.g. /home/username/Downloads and then open a terminal cd to the location (e.g. cd ~/Downloads/codeblocks_xxXX and type ./configure. When that command completes type make and then when that completes type sudo make install.

2. A good program to start with would be the typical "hello, world" program:
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello, world\n";
    return 0;

I'd recommend you follow a tutorial; http://cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ is very good.
When you've read through that, see http://cplusplus.com/forum/articles/12974/ for some more ideas.
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go here: http://www.cprogramming.com/ They have all the info you need to help you get started.

http://www.cplusplus.com has even more information.
If you use Linux you will have to build it from source (unless you use Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint, then you just have to open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install codeblocks")

Most Linux distributions have their own package managers, Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint are far from exclusive.
Most Linux distributions have their own package managers, Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint are far from exclusive.

This is true. However, I think its safe to assume Andrew is using a PC.
Because, as we all know, Linux on a PC is unheard of.
i use windows
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