int enterSide() { int enter; std::cin >> enter; return enter; } // this is defined in the class
void area::getSide( int x , int y , int z ) {
side1 = x;
side2 = y;
side3 = z;
} // class mem. func
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
area myArea;
std::cout << "You enter: "<< myArea.side1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "You enter: "<< myArea.side2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "You enter: "<< myArea.side3 << std::endl;
Why is your class named area and not Triangle? Area should be a class function, not a class of it's own. Other functions might include Perimeter, Centroid etc.
Write a constructor for you class, that takes 3 arguments. Use an initialiser list to set the values of the private member variables. This will avoid the rather roundabout methodology you have at the moment :+)
The type of the side lengths might be more useful if they were double .
Make member functions that don't alter the value of member variables const.
You can read about how to do all these things in the tutorials and articles and reference section at the top left of this page.
Hope all goes well and good luck :+D
Write a member function that outputs all the info that you want, that way you can keep all your data private:
You can have accessor functions that retrieve the values of your data members, these are often called "get" functions. You have an input function getSide which is confusing.
Try to avoid having any "set" functions.
Instead, think about what your object can actually DO. For example, if you had coordinates for the vertices, you could have move and rotate and scale functions.
If you have any problems, just post your code - there are plenty of people to help :+D
All those and any variant not shown here are allowed by standard. And furthermore, compiler does not have to be consistent: order of argument evaluation could change between compilations or even between two consequitive calls.
In short: never write code which depends on order of function argumnet evaluation.
I don't know why your output is messed up, however it wouldn't be if you wrote a PrintInfo function.
well , im trying to write it first without a constructor
I urge to learn how to do that sooner rather than later :+). It's a bit like going to a shop and not saying what you want to buy : obviously much easier to specify want you want.
I just typed this in, hopefully not too many syntax disasters :+)
#include "CTriangle.hpp"
CTriangle::CTriangle(double Side1, double Side2, double Side3) : // colon introduces initialiser list
m_Perimeter(0.0) {}
double CTriangle::Area() {
// calculate the area here and assign the value to m_Area
return m_Area;
void CTriangle::PrintInfo() const {
//std::cout all your info here
std::cout << m_Side1 << "\n";
std::cout << m_Area << "\n";
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
#include <iostream>
#include "CTriangle.hpp"
int main() {
// optionally get some user input
// create a Ctriangle object, calling it's constructor
CTriangle MyTriangle(3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
// Call the Area function
double MyTriangleArea = MyTriangle.Area();
// Print the Data
return 0;
Now you could have some get functions, just don't do any trivial set functions.
If you need to work out the area given 3 sides, you might use the cosine rule. In that case, it might be better to name your member variables to SideA, SideB, SideC to facilitate this. Could have similar names for the angles.
There are other methods of working it out, use whatever names that make sense for the Formula that you are using.
Meaningful variable names help a lot with understanding, and are a form of self documentation, which means you may not have to write as many comments. I use comments for things like pre and post conditions for functions, web addresses of relevant documentation, and short descriptions of what classes and functions are for - if necessary.
Any way it's late at this end, though you are in the expert care of MiiNiPaa .