can someone help me this the project can i get help on this one i am new to this

this what i am suppose to be doing
fi!c):Iir0t,"ram mUS* *18VC a ^unc1,on for cnch Here are the funUion\ (name nuj not mutch name in
Opot the 1,1c Write thi* function end HU in the documentor
ft jfYr? u*hcam (must he t reference acumen!) 1 he function prompt* die urer and it CM-i c
returns/M* and the .fcticx-i, will tv, to, vile Mr •»-..! -esttile t f>r. »ne ■ ic •
Atf'e. tndthe other argument is Maned to be undefined . „ . * The file name MUST be toad to thi* function
Head theTile: Complete thh function. documentation it provided
ESS? “* (Still must tv by reference I. the array <•: ,< t < ,iul and tlv curd conn I he
values in a loop, one per iteration converting tint * alee mo a < ■■./ pl.w my i • ■ :l ■ |SL. nc\1 availtbtc slot in the array ml updating the said count. tctmuutin,: when I’ f e ■> c%lu .ued
• Process C. ard Ranks Thi» function it provided, complete with documentation
° v®|tothe array of Cord, the number of cards and tv- array •>! : '• u.\ver . I .w! >JI t ’I -• • ■ v
COnrspood-n; :o the card'* rank t* incremented
• Process Card Suita. You arc to write this fmction and document it complete!)
« ‘TWcei the array of Card, the number of car.h .inn the array ■: . !•••< u • .a-.I , ■ r'! ■
counter cort«pondin|t to the card’s suit
• Getacard . r.i.-ik: You uc to write tins function AIVJ document It completely
O Takes one value reprcumlmj: a play ing card Ibis function rcturm the card''. r,m'. a-- i Rum
• Get a card's wu: Thu (unction it provided, but )ou will document it
O Taka one value repretentm^ a pU> mg card rhi* function return* the card's wit. a* J Sur
• Pont Card You veto write tfss function anJ doesanent it completely
O Takes iCordstruct and print* the card. c.p, T). 10 i.'.ul ot John v\ l re< the provided operators. soifC is* Card, com << C/uni mil output the t aid's rank Sa.-ic K t t> ->uit
• I't'ta II i id: YOU are to write this function and docun ent it completely
o Hfcea thearray of Catd and number ot cards r,|r!'-"
Card in u«c in the array
. , , rtoftMtionts provided, complete with documentation
" e P*s raw card value and return struct with rank and suit. calls get tine none ,i!v\c
• Kink Kep>er You are to cotipJcw tfnslncM; docianentauxi »pros .led
o Oulpuiautnbetofcvdtmcvhrxui tvolu-t .x. i t :).»•. ■
; WOtiOCetmerxc'and the number of ixcuireivc. U"nm> • >, t. •
• su t Report You are » ccanpktc 'h*» functum and docaMM it eompJeseh
* O^^^WhW*eroftwdtirieadiiiuiiand whether hand vw a th,-.1. ,!ic an.!i ,■ i' ,
Operators 0 > rh«e function* are ptos-uksl ..-impel,- »,irh,t„ • o fake the output stream un«J a Bank or Sun. respectively ard oiepun it
,, Ym ma) aviuine ihe file contain* ooly liOgtn. between 0 and SI
> VoonkittabocoriplecerruitiO AAlc«Jcai>ouw..» tot v l
> , .valuemtlieco, n
> 1hr*~y iwnto* from a fdc it «v« oompanNc with eofi ■ U»* a methid dcrr.«m»tr»tcd ,,
> $et mm in now Yott wHI not be permitu*J to Mibnut Utchccaa^ >i,u

:d pl cpp. 4ll lower case 2*poiot penult) lor non-compluiuc
1 a prtlimlnai) vcrvonthoi prints the I’anlv in the an >•

And this is the nicext page

Purpose: Review or material from CS 135: intro to data structures (structures.
Points: 20; Bonus for starling carl) A/'*^
Due: At 6 PM on Friday, January ?0. 2015. via the tumtn utilitv \n late submissions accepted
Description: Read and process a hand of cards of indeterminate length held in a file
for your first project, you will complete n program provided to you by finishing some functions and writing some others. Several working functions will be provided Your completed program will initially prompt the user for a file name. It the file is not found, an error message will be output, and the program will terminate Otherwise, the program will read the file, which contains values representing playing cards in a standard deck ot cards. It then produces a report, detailed below.
A playing card can be most basically represented using an integer in range 0-51. inclusive, which tyehcompasses 52 values. Using the modulus (%) and division operations, ranks t A.2.3.4. I O.J.n.K > ami
£ suits (cldfis. diamonds, spades, and hearts) can be established, respectively N.'tc that ans ordering ot the J^ibur suits works as'long aS consistency is maintained, for example, the card numbered 2? is the two of \ spades assuming the suit ordering given above: the rank is computed 27S13-! and the suit is 2~ i ?- 2. where the suits are numbered 0,1,2. and 3,
A file of curds contains anywhere from 0 to 52 cards, each represented using an integer as described There Is no set format to a file, except that it only contains integers. Once the file is read, its information will be recorded in the following.
• An array of struct Card, representing the cards in ihc hand
• I hc total number of cards, an int
• I he number of cards in each rank that has one or more entries (eg 2 Twos. 1 Fours. . . I Jack, i
• I he rank or ranks that had the greatest number of cards
• The suits thut w ere represented, and the number of cards in each of those
• Whether all cards belonged to a single suit (only one suit with non-zero c. unt). known as a Hush
fo output the hand, traverse the card* using a for loop, calling a function for each one that outputs a struct )ftype (Atrd. A (Who* two members, both enumerated types, that represent the rank and the sun
-or the remaining output requirements, you will declare two arrays ot integers, one with thirteen elements
four elements that hold the number . ts.ud-- i C.KF .a. k .u d-o:. rcsjv.t s. . ' * ’ -
f .rack ortSeh rank h.v1 UK liryc-l tounl. »"J *N' ■»-*
, non-rero count, note that the hand *•« a flush
o accomplish all this, do the following
• flrinl the hand. „nv that had vanK ar.J UK rani

  0 A Clubs
1 2 Clubs
2 3 Clubs
3 4 Clubs
4 5 Clubs
5 6 Clubs
6 7 Clubs
7 8 Clubs
8 9Clubs
9 10 Clubs
10 Jack Clubs
11 Queen Clubs
12 King Clubs
13 A Diamond
14 2 Diamond
15 3 Diamond
16 4 Diamond
17 5 Diamond
18 6 Diamond
19 7 Diamond
20 8 Diamond
21 9 Diamond
22 10 Diamond
23 Jack Diamond
24 Queen Diamond
25 King Diamond
26 A Spaced
27 2 Spaced
28 3 Spaced
29 4 Spaced
30 5 Spaced
31 6 Spaced
32 7 Spaced
33 8 Spaced
34 9 Spaced
35 10Spaced
36 Jack Spaced
37 Queen Spaced
38 King Spaced
39 A Hearts
40 2 Hearts
41 3 Hearts
42 4 Hearts
43 5 Hearts
44 6 Hearts
45 7 Hearts
46 8 Hearts
47 9 Hearts
48 10 Hearts
49 Jack Hearts
50 Queen Hearts
51 King Hearts
i am uesing putty
Wha...what? Could you repeat that please...??
this is part of what i did

int main()
{ Card theHand[52];
int totalCards=0;
int rank[13]={0};
int suit[4]={0};
ifstream file;
int num ;
if (openFile(file))
(readin(file, theHand,totalCards);
// COMPLETE main()

void openFile (ifstream & inf)
string dataName;
cout<<"please enter the file name."<<endl;
cin>> dataName; );
if (!inf)
cout<<"file is not found,please try again"<<endl;

// Return Value: NONE
void readIn(ifstream &inf, Card theHand[], int &totalCards)
{ int value;
void readIn(ifstream &inf, Card theHand[], int &totalCards)
int cards;
while( inf >> cards);

getSuit(cards);//pass value to function
theHand[totalCards].suit = getSuit(cards);

getRank(cards);//pass value to function
theHand[totalCards].rank = getRank(cards);

What's the issue? Can you be a bit more succinct and descriptive mate?
Process Card Suits: You are to write this function and document it completely. o Takes the array of Card, the number of cards, and the array of 4 integers. For each card, increment the counter corresponding to the card’s suit. 

if you want the code in a better review let me know
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