New to Programming

Can anyone give me tips on how to learning programming? what kind of thinks helped you master c++?

closed account (2UD8vCM9)
Just google c++ tutorials if you want to learn C++. If you are new to programming, I wouldn't recommend starting with C++.
why would you recommend not to start with c++? whats the different?
closed account (2UD8vCM9)
It's like when you start to learn math you don't go straight to calculus. You start with addition and take baby steps.

You can start with C++, but if you have no programming knowledge it's going to be very hard to pick up.

I would recommend starting with Visual Basic and youtubing Visual Basic tutorials first. Visual Basic is a very simple language with the ability to do powerful things in small amounts of code.
I agree with Pindrought, I would say to try something like Python first.
C++ is big, and if it were to be your first programming language it's not that intuitive.

For example there are things that make python seem much simpler to someone who has limited programming experience. Take the printing function for example:

In c++ you would have to include all of this...

#include <iostream>
cout << "Your text here"; 

When I started I remember thinking what's "iostream" or "cout" mean, and what the hell is "<<" doing in there?

Python is much more intuitive. For example, to print something:

print 'Your text here'

All in all something like python is simpler to start out with, and it will still allow you to work on the fundamentals of programming languages without losing interest getting caught in things like syntax.

But, if you are set on C++ I can respect that, let me know if you need help.
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Personally, I see nothing wrong with learning C++ first. It is true that C++ may not be the most immediately intuitive language, but if you are willing to put the effort in and learn it properly it's well worth it.

Pindrought wrote:
It's like when you start to learn math you don't go straight to calculus. You start with addition and take baby steps.

That is reasonable, but not really correct in my opinion (for programming languages, its definitely true for mathematics). If you learn VB or Python before C++, and then try to move to C++, its like you spent all this time learning calculus, and now you need to relearn everything but in base 7 over the complex field. You can't necessarily take what you've learned from one language to another - all languages have different purposes and ways of thinking about a problem.

Read a variety of different tutorials - I find it often helps to have the same idea expressed in different ways. There are a bunch of decent tutorials online that you can look at, as well as some very good books.

Look at other people's code, so you can see how other people solve problems. Keep in mind that this might not always be good style, or the most correct or best option, but it gives you some ideas to play around with.

Read articles and FAQ's on C++. Personally, I find the ones at cover most things you'd need to think about, and the website also has links to a bunch of articles of various concepts that you can think about.

Note that these general concepts can be applied to learning any language, so regardless of what you end up deciding to learn keep these kind of things in mind. Also, don't just blindly go into learning C++ because someone says its a cool language (it is), but think about the kind of things you want to be doing with your programming, and research what various languages were designed for.

Hope this helps.
closed account (2UD8vCM9)
That is reasonable, but not really correct in my opinion (for programming languages, its definitely true for mathematics). If you learn VB or Python before C++, and then try to move to C++, its like you spent all this time learning calculus, and now you need to relearn everything but in base 7 over the complex field. You can't necessarily take what you've learned from one language to another - all languages have different purposes and ways of thinking about a problem.

Yeah I would agree with what you've stated. I guess what I meant moreso was focused on the logic aspect rather than the actual programming aspect. When I was taking C++ classes, a lot of the kids were really struggling with the logic aspect where I had a background messing with other languages, so I was only having to learn the C++ syntax/ways of doing things rather than learning both the C++ syntax and understanding basic logic.
thanks everyone!
I already have C++ installed and the materials need for it. but what kind of thinks can you do with C++ language?. I would like to learn how to program machines; is C++ a good programming language for that?
is it necessary to memories all the terms that they give you in the book?
Try going to your local library and see if they have any beginner books. Once you've mastered the beginner lessons, you can move on to more advanced books like Professional C++.
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