
closed account (SECMoG1T)
Hi all, I got a problem with my IDEs I can't use any of these files
 #include <multimap>
 #include <multiset> 

previously I could use these files successfuly but now am getting all these errors , I have tried to rebuild, clean my projects but the errors persist, so am wondering would this results from an update for Vs 2013, for C::B am the one who changed the compiler btw ain't sure if that should affect anything at all, have anyone around here encountered such a problem, how did you resolve the error.

In Vs 2013

error C1083 Cannot open include file 'multimap': No such file or directory
IntelliSense: cannot open source file "multimap"

In Codeblocks : Gnu gcc 4.9.2 x86_64 ///I updated this compiler recently

fatal error: multimap : No such file or directory
=== Build failedj: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 5 second(s))===

Thanks in advance,
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Under the right side of the advertisement it shows that multimap is in <map>

Pro tip:
Type out or and you should see what you are interested in.
closed account (SECMoG1T)
Ooh thank you very much @kevin, I must be sooo damn outdated . I hadn't realized that yet, thanks again.
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