1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
int woods2=rmCreateArea("woods2");
rmSetAreaSize(woods2, 0.15, 0.15);
rmSetAreaCoherence(woods2, 0.90);
rmSetAreaLocation(woods2, 0.9, 0.1);
//rmAddAreaToClass(michiganID, classGreatLake);
rmSetAreaBaseHeight(woods2, 0.0);
rmSetAreaObeyWorldCircleConstraint(woods2, false);
//rmSetAreaMinBlobs(woods2, 2);
//rmSetAreaMaxBlobs(woods2, 4);
//rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance(woods2, 5);
//rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance(woods2, 8);
rmSetAreaSmoothDistance(woods2, 0);
//Woods 2 area defined.
//East forest.
int forestTreeID = 0;
int numTries=6*cNumberNonGaiaPlayers;
if (cNumberNonGaiaPlayers > 3)
int failCount=0;
for (i=0; <numTries)
// int forest=rmCreateArea("forest "+i, rmAreaID("big continent"));//-old
int medForest2=rmCreateArea("medForest2 "+i, rmAreaID("woods2"));
rmSetAreaWarnFailure(medForest2, false);
rmAddAreaToClass(medForest2, rmClassID("classForest"));
//Make like Rockies ES script now with no blobs and more constraints.
// rmSetAreaSize(forest, rmAreaTilesToFraction(150), rmAreaTilesToFraction(400));//-old
//rmSetAreaSize(medForest2, rmAreaTilesToFraction(1200), rmAreaTilesToFraction(1600));//-No
//You can't have a forest area larger than the map size silly...
//rmSetAreaSize(medForest2, rmAreaTilesToFraction(150), rmAreaTilesToFraction(150));//-No
//The woods1 and woods2 areas already overlap towncenters, mines, and berries, so the forest areas need to be smaller.
//The blob distance also needs to be smaller.
//4*70=280, but the woods1 and woods2 areas are each only 180
//180/4=45, but remember that the forest areas need to be small.
//Forest area of size 90 theoretically gives a 50% chance that it will place.
//rmSetAreaSize(medForest2, rmAreaTilesToFraction(90), rmAreaTilesToFraction(90));//
rmSetAreaSize(medForest2, rmAreaTilesToFraction(270), rmAreaTilesToFraction(270));
//Made map 4 times bigger so make everything forest also 4 times bigger to see if it places.
rmSetAreaForestType(medForest2, "rockies forest");
rmSetAreaForestDensity(medForest2, 0.8);
rmSetAreaForestClumpiness(medForest2, 0.6);
// rmSetAreaForestUnderbrush(forest, 0.0);//-old
rmSetAreaForestUnderbrush(medForest2, 0.6);
// rmSetAreaMinBlobs(forest, 1);//-old
// rmSetAreaMaxBlobs(forest, 5);//-old
// rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance(forest, 16.0);//-old
// rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance(forest, 70.0);//-old
//rmSetAreaMinBlobs(medForest2, 4);//-old
//rmSetAreaMaxBlobs(medForest2, 20);//-old
//Try less blobs.
//rmSetAreaMinBlobs(medForest2, 4);//
//rmSetAreaMaxBlobs(medForest2, 4); //
//Got rid of blobs.
//rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance(medForest2, 16.0);//-No
//rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance(medForest2, 70.0);//-No
//blob distance of 12.25 gives a 50% theoretical chance that they will place.
//rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance(medForest2, 12);//
//rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance(medForest2, 12);//
//rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance(medForest2, 48);//
//rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance(medForest2, 48);//
//Nope, map still failed to load.
//but it still didn't place, so the only thing I can think of is
//that each blob must actually be bigger than 12 so the map crashes if you try to put blobs closer to each other than the size of each blob.
//Is there a way to turn on the map grid in the game that doesn't require "ctrl+b"?
//My "b" key on my laptop doesn't work and I must copy and paste "b" 's.
//I would like to look at my blobs in the scenario editor to see how large they are, and I would like to look at a working version of my map
//with no forest to see what grid area is left available for me to place forests that does not place forests on top of tc's, mines, berry bushes,
//natives, trade sockets, and starting units.
//So then I can do calculations to see what the minimum size of my map needs to be to fit in forest.
//I've actually never placed forest on a map this small before.
//I usually create really HUGE maps. Like I think the map in my signature is in the hundreds of thousands of tiles
//if I remember correctly, but the placement of the blobs in that map isn't very good.
//It leaves HUGE open spaces between each blob, which is not intentional.
//Added more constraints//
rmSetAreaCoherence(medForest2, 0.4);
rmSetAreaSmoothDistance(medForest2, 0);
//rmAddAreaToClass(medForest2, rmClassID("classForest")); // - Moved higher up in script.
rmAddAreaConstraint(medForest2, forestConstraint);
rmAddAreaConstraint(medForest2, avoidAll);
rmAddAreaConstraint(medForest2, forestvsTC);
rmAddAreaConstraint(medForest2, forestvsCW);
rmAddAreaConstraint(medForest2, longAvoidImpassableLand);
rmAddAreaConstraint(medForest2, avoidTradeRoute);
rmSetAreaObeyWorldCircleConstraint(westForest, false);
rmAddAreaConstraint(westForest, avoidImportantItemForest);// DAL added, to try and make sure natives got on the map w/o override.
rmAddAreaConstraint(westForest, playerConstraintForest);// DAL adeed, to keep forests away from the player.
rmAddAreaConstraint(westForest, forestVsForestConstraint);// DAL adeed, to keep forests away from each other.
rmAddAreaConstraint(westForest, avoidSocket);
rmAddAreaConstraint(westForest, avoidCoin);
rmAddAreaConstraint(westForest, avoidStartingUnits);
// Stop trying once we fail 3 times in a row.