Extracting Data from a text file.

I have a text file in the following manner

4,7,33 308:0.364759856031284 1156:0.273818346738286 1523:0.17279792082766
7,4,33 1156:0.185729429759684 1681:0.104443202690279 5351:0.365670526234034

First, I want to extract the first 3 or more columns and put them into a data structure.

Next, I want to take
308:0.364759856031284 1156:0.273818346738286 1523:0.17279792082766

and separate it the values before the colon and after the colon. I need to store these into another file.

I am new to c++ and am working through a book at the moment. SO any suggestions on how to get started with this will be super helpful.

Hi Noname 31337

Thanks for this infor but I know this and it is much more complicated than the simple open close
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