Problem with Bloodshed

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I just started my first course in programming (yay!) and I downloaded the same program my school uses (Bloodshed Dev C++) but the interface is a bit different (different version maybe?) and my programs that worked fine on school computers aren't working properly on my home computer. They compile and run fine at school, and they compile fine on my laptop, but when I run, the command prompt just flashes on screen instead of staying up and waiting for an input before closing. I'm thinking this is probably a setting on my computer, but I have no idea how to fix it.

Bloodshed Dev C++
It is horribly outdated. It uses old compiler which does not support modern C++ and has a bunch of known bugs (not to mention IDE own bugs). If you insist on using DevC++,use at least Orwell DevC++.

As for your question, it is common problem: after program finished Windows closes its window (it is finished, right, so window is no longer needed). Any proper IDE know how to prewent it from happeninh (run executable in own sub-process), but DevCpp apparently, does not.
Usual solution is to run executable direcly from command prompt (open cmd window, naviate to compiled program, execute it). Alternative is to prefent program from finishing (say, by asking for input before program end, allowing you to see output).
Solution for OrwellDev-C++:
(chances that it is added as option in later versions)

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