Hello! The book that I had bought, "OOP with E Balagurusamy", assumption on the book was that I had already know some C (which I was absolutely not), and I am struggling to catch up with the book. Please, I beseech anyone who could suggest me some books by McGraw-Hill. I would like the book to be an absolute beginners friendly on C++ and don't assume the readers that he/she have knowledge on programming languages. And Oh, I hope that the book is available on the E-Commerce website, Flipkart. Thank you.
"thinking in C++ volume 1" by Bruce Eckel is available both in print and as a free download. The teaching style may be a bit old, but it's a solid, comprehensive from the ground up tutorial.
It's not mcgrawhill, but Programming Principles and Practice Using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup is targeted at the beginner and doesn't assume you already know C. I'm sure you can find a paper copy anywhere C++ books are sold. This is probably the best bet overall, but it's quite big...