This is the piece of code that I am struggling on, I want the case 2 to be able to read in the last 6 recent transactions but not from the text file they are recorded on, when I run case 1 and withdraw an amount, this creates a timestamp in "TransList.txt", case 2 If pressed needs to show the last 6 recent transactions I made using case 1, any help here guys?
you'll need to keep a track of transactions in a collection like a vector.
how many pieces of information does one transaction entail? is it just a number? or a number and a date? or something else?
edit: another thing. When you print out your balance for the first time: cout << "Account Balance is = " << portbalance << endl << endl;
That's going to print out rubbish because you have not initialised 'portbalance'.
this will also cause all of your calculations under case 1 to be wrong too.