Where to start?

I started learning c++ from thenewboston.com, learning about functions, classes, and constructors - up to pointers. I plan to continue learning this way, but I'm not sure how I should start making games. I understand that making games doesn't come easily right off the bat, or all that soon into learning the language, but at what point can I start actively creating a game with c++?

Not only that, but I'm also unsure of where to start making 2D games. I see tons of tutorials for Allegro, openGL, DirectX, etc. Which of these methods should I use when starting off with 2D games?

I'd appreciate any help that can be given, as I have little to go on right now.

Thanks for the help,
* Beginning C++, Through Game Programming - Michael Dawson

* Learn C++ for Game Development - Bruce Sutherland

* Programming 2D games - Charles Kelly
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My personal recommendation: SFML
Nice, C++ like API
Good Documentation
Available Tutorials (homepage, github wiki, maybe more)
Active community/forum

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