How Long to know basic c++ until jumping into...

How long do you gotta be good at basic c++ to jump into game programming. I think ive been learning c++ for about a good 2 weeks now (I think). I know all the basics
the bool operations
all the loops
just all the basics like void , arrays , and I can build very basic programs with little to no help. So when can I get into game programming???
I'm relatively new as well, but one thing I have read and discovered to be true is, there is a difference between knowing the programming language, and knowing how to program (aka, knowing how to use the language to effectively and efficiently create a program).

So start looking at how to accomplish things, the conceptual structures that will be needed, and not just the programming language itself. This conceptual part determines how long before you sink your teeth into something complex.

I recommend starting with small programs that do just one thing that a game might need to do. Then when building those is easy, make one that does two things, then three. Then start trying to add pieces to existing projects.

When you are somewhat comfortable doing all that, then start building yourself a game.

Also, trying using a game maker, as those will get you into thinking about what information your game will need to track, which will save you headaches when you try to program one yourself.
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