how to install glut

closed account (ypLhURfi)
[Error] GL/freeglut.h: No such file or directory
I have the package
I have linker:
-lfreeglut -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32
I have dev-c++ 5.8.3
What is it happened?
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You have to also tell dev c++ where the GL folder is. You might try searching your hard drive for any files named iostream. This would be a place filled with other include files. If you put the GL folder in there then dev c++ should already be able to find it. Personally I would just tell it where to find the GL folder.
Check under dev-C++ tools > compiler options > directories > c++ includes
closed account (ypLhURfi)
do not understand.
it was before in another version of dev-cpp (had glut) and when changing this had no glut.
closed account (ypLhURfi)
do not understand kevin
closed account (ypLhURfi)
thanks for your help kevin. I work anymore glut. I tried putting an earlier version of dev-c ++ with the glut but kept putting me project. Then I went back to a later version is loaded I changed compiler options again and miraculously longer works .He deleted a shortcut dev-c ++ because I was returning to not let glut
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