OpenGL SDK & Premake 4

I'm beginning working through the following tutorial:

and I'm on the following page:

My background is: I can program in C++ and I’ve used Allegro5 to make 2D games, and I’ve worked though tutorials showing the basics of how to set up the linking within vs2010 Express (the compiler I'm using) with the Allegro libraries. I've had zero previous experience in using programs such as SDK and Premake 4, and to be honest I'm really struggling.

With reference to the page I'm on (2nd link down from above), specifically,
The SDK his library uses Premake to generate its build files. So, with premake4.exe in your path, go to the glsdk directory. Type premake4 plat, where plat is the name of the platform of choice.
My first question for now is: Where do I find the glsdk directory? (I think “his” above must be a misprint?)

Just above the following quote it says
A modified SDK distribution is bundled with these tutorials.
It also says
The SDK is designed to be used where it is; it does not install itself to any system directories on your machine.

I've also researched and found the following link:

From the above link, I don't even understand how this person’s 'glsdk' folder was created, unless they downloaded SDK separately as something to be installed.

At the top of the page I'm on (just in case you don’t mind having a look to see what I’ve downloaded) is a link “source distribution” from which I’ve downloaded just the “Download repository” and not either of the two separate tutorials.

My question again from above: Where do I find the glsdk directory?

Edit: Okay, am I misunderstanding what is meant by "bundled"? Does this mean the SDK files are integrated into the tutorial files I've downloaded, and therefore the folder/directory I'm looking for wont exist? The discussion at the following link confirms that it is correct to use the downloaded bundled version of SDK:

If the bundled SDK is integrated such that I won't see it as an independent folder within the main download, then what does this part mean?
go to the glsdk directory.
within this
with premake4.exe in your path, go to the glsdk directory. Type premake4 plat, where plat is the name of the platform of choice.

Please somebody help me.
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You can download the SDK from
Premake doesn't seem to be able to generate VS2013 files but generating for vs2010 and upgrading them in VS2013 seems to work.
Thank you very much.

It's confusing me to death though whether or not I should be expecting to see a folder that is specifically for SDK within the download, which I've downloaded from here: (The top one 23MB)

Please take a look. The tutorial clearly states
A modified SDK distribution is bundled with these tutorials.

Also people from some of the above links in my initial post seem to refer to its existence.

What do you think?
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It's confusing me to death though whether or not I should be expecting to see a folder that is specifically for SDK within the download, which I've downloaded from here: (The top one 23MB)
I downloaded the tutorial and there is clearly a glsdk folder, so I would run premake4 from that directory.
Now that's good news and nice to know, but where the heck is mine.

My first folder (at the top) is named: data

My last folder is named: Tut 18 Bumpy Textures

My first file beneath the folders is named: .hg_archival.txt

And my last file is named: premake4.lua

Do you have these folders and files?
I've found it, but really.

I've downloaded the 13.3MB "Tutorial" file, and this looks the same as the top download option: "Download repository", except it clearly has the glsdk folder.

Okay then, so why are there three download options? and why does the top one not contain the glsdk folder? the second one does have it (I haven’t tried the third one).

So what is the reason for there being three different versions?

Edit: A few of the folders are named differently between the two versions I've downloaded. Should I just use "Tutorial" and forget about the other two download options?
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I'm very pleased.

I've managed to build the SDK files and my first tutorial, Hello Triangle, and the .exe runs when generated in both debug and release, displaying a lovely white triangle.

The only thing is, if I select "Start Debugging" (In vs2010 Express) I get the following error:

1) Tutorial 0.3.8\framework\lib\frameworkD.lib

2) The specified file is an unrecognized or unsupported binary format.

As I said above, the .exe runs fine, but does anybody know what this error message means?

Edit: Actually, I get the first line of the error message 1) above, even if I select "Start Without Debugging". Again, does anybody know what this could mean?

Edit 2: I've sorted it. Found the answer here:

I'll mark this thread as solved.

Thanks naraku9333 :)
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