Done, but where do i go?

Hello, i just got done reading 2 books about c++.

But i still dont know where to go from here.. I have kinda problems reading/making codes like dlls and stuff. Why is that?

i want to be able to make my own real programs, not just like

int oneNumber;
int secNumber;
int answer;

cout << "give me a number" << endl;
cin >> oneNumber;
cout << "now next number to add" << endl;
cin >> secNumber;
answer = oneNumber + secNumber;
cout << answer;

I would not even call that proper codes, haha.
But, if you get me question.
I am feeling stuck opon all this information.. I cant find anything in my book that i dont understand. And im not being lazy, but it feels like theres no way to go from my position.

I want to be able to do things like:
  if (hInstLibrary)
      _AddFunc = (AddFunc)GetProcAddress(hInstLibrary, "Add");
      _FunctionFunc = (FunctionFunc)GetProcAddress(hInstLibrary,

but how do i get to this point?
idk what all these functions are at all, where do i learn that?

Thanks for any replies!
Hey Marrern,
It is not uncommon for questions like these.

I myself has been in this situation and i felt like i was not meant for this coding stuff.
I couldn't see where next to step ma foot.

I asked questions on Quora and i got replies like "start writing real world program". But how the hell do i start??

I continued writing console based programs until one day, i met this guy who took me to a start-up software company. For my first project, they said
"Write a windows service that will backup a MySQL database periodically as specified by the user. You have 1.5 months"

I started learning MySQL, started learning winAPI and started writing code like
if (hInstLibrary)
      _AddFunc = (AddFunc)GetProcAddress(hInstLibrary, "Add");
      _FunctionFunc = (FunctionFunc)GetProcAddress(hInstLibrary,

And in no time, i delivered the goods.

From there unwards, when ever i thought of writing a program, i thought of a "real world" program.

The main problem we have is not that we dont know the code/syntax of advance stuff, but are limited by how much we can think of writing/creating by the book we just read or the school we are in or the people we code with.

To help you, meet someone who writes real life stuff, and let him give you some work to do.
You will have to learn advance stuff and eventually get the work done. Thats how it goes from
cout<<"Enter your name: ";

LPTSTR szCmdline = _tcsdup(TEXT("C:\\Program Files\\MyApp -L -S"));
	CreateProcess(NULL, szCmdline, /* ... */);

There are lots of things you can do.

If you are intending to go to university, then it would be great if you could practice stuff that they are likely to ask you do in your assignments.

Do simple math programs that work out areas and volumes for various shapes and solids quadrilaterals, triangles, circles, spheres, cones, ellipsoids etc. Make sure you can process information from a file, store the info in a suitable STL container, and write output to another file.

Implement different sorting algorithms, research and comment on their efficiencies. What happens when you use them to process 1,000,000 items which may not necessarily be numbers?

Implement you own linked list, stacks and queues - make them bi-directional or double ended and circular where appropriate. Also various tree Data Structures such as Binary Tree, BTree (not the same as a Binary Tree) ADL Tree, Red Black Tree etc.

Text programs:

Write a program that records how many times each word appears in a text file, and what position (word number) for each one. The file can be arbitrarily long: 10,000 words say, but should still work efficiently for a large file of 1,000,000 or more words. Do some statistics on the results. Allow the user to select n number of the most common or least common words. Draw graphs using asterisks of the selected words. Sort the words by their word count. Find the maximum and minimum distance between a selected word. Count the number of sentences, paragraphs and words in the file.

Non Graphical Geometry programs:

Implement a system that allows one to create objects in 2d or 3d space (3d is much harder). Support Points, Line Segments, Regular & Irregular polygons, Circles, Arcs, Ellipses, Elliptical Arcs etc. You don't have to draw them, just provide functions for creating them, and other functions to print out their details. Provide functions to calc distances and angles between points on different objects. For example distance & angle form the centre of this object to the mid point of this edge on that object. Support Tangents to circular objects - An Arc from the tangent point of this Arc to the tangent point of that Arc. Provide functions to move and rotate any object.

Graphical programs:

Choose a Framework that supports 2d graphics, such sfml or Qt say (There are others as well). Start out by drawing shapes, then have a go at animating them. Try bouncing things off walls, then add some gravity and spin.

Then there are various online programming problems like Project Euler

Note that the solution to these are not as obvious as one might first expect. They are often quite challenging.

There you go, that should keep you busy for a few days years :+)
Thanks, i will :D
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