need better instruction book

After reading only two chapters of the 2013 edition of _C++ Primer_ I have absolutely had it with that book. It's laid out like a dense reference manual for expert C++ programmers rather than an instruction book for people who might know programming in general and/or another language but don't know C++. The second chapter (on variables) covers every imaginable variable type and permutation of declarations, initializations, etc. the way some coding standard or expert reference or disorganized glossary would. As a learning tool for C++ novices it's worse than terrible.

Can anyone suggest a better book to learn C++ from? I haven't tried the tutorials on this website yet. Maybe I should.

C++ Programming in easy steps - by Mike Mcgrath

is an easy book for beginners.

you can also visit
Just read the sites tutorial, then immediately jump to video game programming on
Lazy Foo only teaches SDL and OpenGL.
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