hey!Hello I have a question about fuction that i have trouble with. I need to get 2 numbers. K and num1. For example num1=5 and k=2 the program will print this hourglass patterns: http://www.siz.co.il/my.php?i=2zfnzjtihh4z.jpg the function prints k hourglasses and each hourglass is built up from 1 to num1.
i have succeeded in doing 1 hourglass that is build up from 1 to num1.
i did 2 functions: 1 is upper part of hourglass and 2 is the bottom of it.
but i just cant figure how to do a third function that will print k hourglasses(and each with 1 space between them)..i dont want to change my 2 function i worked hard on them, i just want one that combines them and print k hourglasses. sorry for long post thanks for helpers