comparing arrays...

I'm completely lost on this project. I want to make a program that has two arrays. One array will have 2 variables while the other has 5. I want to record data in these arrays and compare them to each other... The problem is I need a lot of arrays. While i play this game, I will definitely be recording a thousand possible variations.

Some of the things I want to record and contrast.
-when the data was filled out for both arrays.
-compare it to other samples
-have a variable that counts how many similarities was for each comparison that occured.

after i am done collecting data i want it to do all thats above.

nvm, this problem is quite hard to explain...

and i can already see the mystifying approach i brought to the table.
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Why do you have two arrays and not two classes?
I'm not sure. Could you be more definitive on why I would need classes?
You said your arrays will contain "variables". Are they different variables, or are they all elements that mean essentially the same thing? Are they 5 separate scalar variables, or do they represent a vector? What exactly do the data in each array represent?
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