C++ & Assembler Problems
I have a Problem with ASM.
I try to Write a Value to a Adress with ASM.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
int rubish;
DWORD aRubish = 0x421F7C;
ReadProcessMemory(cHandle, (void*)aRubish, &rubish, sizeof(rubish), 0);
cout << endl << "Adress: " << aRubish << endl << "Rubish Left: " << rubish << endl;
MOV dword ptr [aRubish], 0
CALL endSeqence
ReadProcessMemory(cHandle, (void*)aRubish, &rubish, sizeof(rubish), 0);
cout << "Adress: " << aRubish << endl << "Rubish Left: " << rubish << endl;
This is what i get:
1 2 3 4
Rubish Left: 15
Adress: 0
Rubish Left: 15
At second i try to Override a Sub statement.
So i was try to chance
I try different ways but i don't found a way to do it..
Hop you unterstand me... <.< I know my english are not the best...
Greatz Dereta
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