///This function is going to be used to get the player to enter their name
string playername(string prompt){
string a;/// creates a variable with identifier a
cout << endl << prompt;
getline(cin, a);/// prompts the user to enter a string for the variable a
return a;///return whatever the user entered to the function
///This function will load a list of words from a plain text file
void loadDictionary(){
string words; /// Declares a variable with identifier word
ifstream dictFile("H:\\Visual Studio 2013\\Projects\\C++ Game Project\\Dictionary.txt", ios::in); /// Finds the file using the path provided
if (!dictFile.fail()) { ///Checks to see if the file exists
for (int i = 0; i < 416; i++){///Loops through every element in the dictionary
getline(dictFile, words);
dictionaryArray[i] = words;/// Put every word into the array
dictFile.close(); ///Closes the file
cout << "The file does not exist"; /// Tells the user if the file exists or not
///this function will select a random word from the list
string randomword() {
int randnum;
string randWord;
srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); ///seed random number generator
randnum = rand() % 416; /// generate a random number between 0 and 415
randWord = dictionaryArray[randnum]; /// takes the word from the dictionary
return randWord;
void printAsterisks(int b){
for (int i = 0; i < b; i++){
cout << ast[i];
int letterGuess(string selectedword){
int matches = 0;
char singleLetter;
string wholeWord;
cout << " >> Your Guess: ";
cin >> guess;
if (guess.size() == 1){
char singleLetter = guess[0];
for (int i = 0; i < selectedword.length(); i++){
if (singleLetter == (selectedword.at(i)))
ast[i] = singleLetter;
else if (guess.size() > 1){
wholeWord = guess;
for (int i = 0; i < selectedword.length(); i++){
if (wholeWord.at(i) == (selectedword.at(i)))
ast[i] = wholeWord[i];
return matches;
int score(int totalmatches, int maxTries, string selectedword){
int score = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxTries; i++){
if (ast[i] == selectedword.at(i)){
score = maxTries + 1 - noGuesses;
return score;
int main(){
string name; /// Creates a variable called name
string selectedword; ///Creates a variable with identifier selectedword
int maxTries;
int totalmatches = 0;
int totalScore;
name = playername("Please enter your name: "); /// Asks the user to enter their name
loadDictionary();/// Calls the loadDictionary function
selectedword = randomword();
maxTries = selectedword.length();
cout << selectedword;
totalmatches = letterGuess(selectedword);
totalScore = score(totalmatches, maxTries,selectedword);
} while (noGuesses < maxTries);
cout << endl << name << " scores " << totalScore;
int main(){
string name; /// Creates a variable called name
string selectedword; ///Creates a variable with identifier selectedword
int maxTries;
int totalmatches = 0;
int totalScore;
name = playername("Please enter your name: "); /// Asks the user to enter their name
loadDictionary();/// Calls the loadDictionary function
selectedword = randomword();
maxTries = selectedword.length();
cout << selectedword;
totalmatches = letterGuess(selectedword);
totalScore = score(totalmatches, maxTries,selectedword);
} while (noGuesses < maxTries || selectedword != randWord); //Will keep doing the loop until the selected word equals the random word.
//or until the player uses up all of their guesses.
cout << endl << name << " scores " << totalScore;
cout << endl << "The end!";
return 0;