Adventure game

hey there ! guys ! i am working to make a rpg game ! but i don't know why it is not working !

please someone ! can explain to me ! so that i can find out the proper solution as soon as possible ! This is my project and i have to submit and i have less then 2 days ! so please !

My source code is given below :
hey there ! guys ! i am working to make a rpg game ! but i don't know why it is not working !

please someone ! can explain to me ! so that i can find out the proper solution as soon as possible ! This is my project and i have to submit and i have less then 2 days ! so please !

My source code is given below :

Umm...It would help if you actually posted the source :P

Edit: you posted it right as I did, if you could please edit your post and put [code] before your code and [ /code] after your code (with out the space).
Last edited on

using namespace std;

string word;

class person

string name;

public :
person () {}
~person () {}
string get_name () {return name;}


class enemy : public person

private :
enum level {BANDIT,COMMANDER};
level badguy;
public :
enemy (int level=1);
int attack () ;
string get_name () {return name ;}

enemy :: enemy (int level)

if (level =1)
name ="Bandit";



badguy =COMMANDER;
name = "Madara_Uchiha";



int enemy :: attack ()


srand (time(0));

if (badguy==BANDIT)

int attack = ((rand() %20 ) +1);
return attack;


else if (badguy==COMMANDER)

int attack = ((rand()%25 ) +1);
return attack;



class player : public person

public :
player ();
void set_person ();
enum weaponlevel1 { wood=1, Bronze, Silver,Steel };
weaponlevel1 sword;
int attack ();
void change_sword ();


void player :: change_sword ()

cout << "Now u have entered in new level so choice a new sword/weapon to complete the upcoming missions :" << endl;
cout << " select any one from these swords :) " << endl;
cout << " Bronze <B> Steel <S> Silver <L> " << endl;
char changed_sword;
cin >> changed_sword;
switch (changed_sword)

case 'B' :
sword = Bronze;

case 'S' :
sword = Steel;

case 'L' :
sword = Silver;

default :
cout << " Sorry ! U have chossen wrong word :( " << endl;



int player ::attack ()

cout << "What move u would like to do against enemy ? " << endl;
cout << "Slash<S> Lunge <L> Stab <A>" << endl;
char choice;
cin >> choice;

if (sword==wood)

switch (choice)

case 'S' :
int attack = (rand () %20 ) +1;
return attack;


case 'L' :

int attack =(rand () %15 ) +1;
return attack;

case 'A' :
int attack = (rand () %13) +1;
return attack;



if (sword==Bronze)

switch (choice)

case 'S' :
int attack = (rand () %22 ) +1;
return attack;


case 'L' :

int attack =(rand () %18 ) +1;
return attack;

case 'A' :
int attack = (rand () %15) +1;
return attack;



if (sword==Silver)

switch (choice)

case 'S' :
int attack = (rand () %26 ) +1;
return attack;


case 'L' :

int attack =(rand () %10 ) +1;
return attack;

case 'A' :
int attack = (rand () %18) +1;
return attack;



else if (sword==Steel)

switch (choice)

case 'S' :
int attack = (rand () %28 ) +1;
return attack;


case 'L' :

int attack =(rand () %24 ) +1;
return attack;

case 'A' :
int attack = (rand () %20) +1;
return attack;



return 0;

void player :: set_person ()

cout <<"If u don't mind then i would like to ask a question before starting the game " << endl;
cout << "What is ur name :D " << endl;
cout << ":" << endl;
cin >> name ;
cout << "Thank u for ur name " << endl;
cout << "Now let's start the Adventure Mr." << name << endl;


player :: player ()



void introduction ()

cout << "Assassin's creed : Livinghood" << endl;
cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << "To make this game various people have worked ! So all dedication goes upon them " <<endl;
cout << " U are humbly welcome here to try this game " << endl;
cout << "Pathc v1.02" << endl;
cout << " So u have to be hero and u have to save a village called reika"<< endl;
cout << " Now u are a part of reika (an imaginary world) " << endl;
cout << "Here few bandits and templars have taken leadership from this village" << endl;
cout << "So task is simple u have to fight hard and bring peace here" << endl;
cout << "But one thing " << "Before we started we have to know few things " << endl;


bool fight (player myplayer,enemy theenemy)

int player_health =100;
int enemy_health =100;

bool continue_fight =true;

while (continue_fight)

int player_attack = myplayer.attack ();
int enemy_attack = theenemy.attack ();

cout << myplayer.get_name () << "Hit A : " << player_attack << endl;
enemy_health = enemy_health - player_attack;
cout << theenemy.get_name () << "Health is : " << enemy_attack << endl;
cout << theenemy.get_name () << " Hit A : " << enemy_attack << endl;
player_health = player_health - enemy_attack;
cout << myplayer.get_name () << "Health is : " << player_health << endl;

if ((player_health >0 ) && (enemy_health <=0) )
cout << "Congratulations ! U have won the fight !" <<endl;
cout << "Be ready for next stage " << endl;
return true ;


else if (( player_health <=0) && (enemy_health >0))

cout << "U have beein defeated by the enemy " << endl;
cout << "Better luck best time :( " << endl;
cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n" << endl;
cout << "Would u like to continiue or u want to quite the game ? " << endl;

char choice;
cin >>choice;
if (choice)

int player_health =100;
int enemy_health =100;
continue ;


cout << " Thanks for being our part" << endl;
return false;





string puzzle_word ()

vector <string> wordlist;

wordlist.push_back ("HONEYPOPS");
wordlist.push_back ("MONEY");
wordlist.push_back ("CRAZY");
wordlist.push_back ("MAD");
wordlist.push_back ("ADVENTURE");
wordlist.push_back ("ACE9073");

random_shuffle (wordlist.begin(),wordlist.end());

string t_word =wordlist[0];
int number =t_word.length();

for (int i =0; i <number ; ++i )


int rand_letter1 = (rand () % number );
int rand_letter2 = (rand () % number );

char letter = t_word[rand_letter1];
t_word[rand_letter1]= t_word[rand_letter2];
t_word [rand_letter2]=letter;


return t_word;


void puzzle_game (player myplayer )


string word = puzzle_word ();

cout << "If u can guess correctly this word then u wiil be able to change ur weapon from wood to Bronze or steel or silver " << endl ;
cout << "Alrright ! Here u are ...let's begin ur task :) " << endl;
cout << " Make a gues ! What the word actually is ? " << endl;

bool loop = true;

while (loop)
cout << word << " " << endl;
string guess;
cin >> guess;

if ( guess==word)

cout << " You got me :P " << endl;
myplayer.change_sword ();
loop= false;



cout << "Come on ! It's not the big deal ! Keep trying " << endl;




enum gameplay { intro,Fight,Fight_boss,puzzle,End };

int main ()

player mp ;
enemy boss (30);
enemy t_enemy;
gameplay game = intro;

bool quit = false;
while ( quit = ! true )

if (game==intro)

introduction ();
mp.set_person ();
system ("cls");


if (game==Fight)

cout << "We need to fight this bandit !! He is terorizing this area.So Let's show them the power :3 " << endl;

bool the_fight = fight (mp,t_enemy);

if (the_fight =false)

game =End;



game =puzzle;



if (game==puzzle)


game =Fight_boss;


if (game =Fight_boss)


cout << " It is now time to fight with main villain of this operation ! " << endl;
cout <<"His name is " << boss.get_name () << endl;
cout << " Good luck : " << endl;

cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" <<endl;

cout << " Are u ready " << endl;
string blank;
cin >> blank;

system ("cls");

bool last_fight = fight (mp,boss);

if (last_fight ==false )

game =End;


cout << "Thanks soldier ! Thank u for saving us " << endl;
cout << " You saved us " << endl;


if (game==End)

quit =true ;


cout << "Thanks for playing and staying with us " << endl;
cout << "Now time to say good bye :( " << endl;

return 0;
here my code has ended ! so please help me by giving a proper solution ! please
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