
closed account (Ly8CM4Gy)
Trying to figure out how to write a code
Question ask
" We are storing a list of student info, (id number, First name and Last name) using a link list. The ID is the key field. Your program should implement a linked list using arrays. Your program should process the following operations.
1) Add an item to the linked list
 ex. 1 254 John Smith
2) Print the linked list in logical order
ex. 2
3) Print the physical order of the linked list including list, avail and next.
ex. 3
4) Print a count of how many items are in the linked list.
ex. 4
Bonus (you must get 1-4 working before attempting 5)
5) Delete an item from the linked list

Teacher never went over how to implement a linked list using array

Teacher never went over how to implement a linked list using array

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