So i'm working on a snake game for my final projected for school and having a little trouble i'm used net-beans all year and bc im doing a SDL net-bean does not run SDL so i'm doing it on code::blocks?
so i'm trying to set up a class so my snake can move,
so my code worked fine until i added the class.
#include <cstdlib> // says there is no such file or detractor
#include "SDL/SDL.h"
class snakeMove {
int x,y;
int xVal,yVal;
void handle_input();
//moves the square
void move();
//Shows the square on the screen
void show();
Can you compile the hello-world program? If not, you may have COde::Blocks misconfigured so that the compiler can't find the standard library include files - try reinstalling.
so i tried the hello world program and it did not compile so i uninstalled code-blacks and am waiting for it to re-install, ill let you know if it works