How do i do this function so IF the totals are > (larger amounts) than the rest but < (less) than the recmax (recommended journey cost) ? tried everything :(
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if (totalwagemonarch > totalwageprincess || totalwageempire || totalwagecrown || totalwagebootle) && (< recmax)
cout << "Monarch is the highest crew cost below the recommended max" << endl;
elseif (totalwageprincess > totalwagemonarch || totalwageempire || totalwagecrown || totalwagebootle < recmax)
cout << "Princess is the highest crew cost below the recommended max" << endl;
elseif (totalwageempire > totalwagemonarch || totalwageprincess || totalwagecrown || totalwagebootle < recmax)
cout << "Empire is the highest crew cost below the recommended max" << endl;
I'm not sure if that's your problem, but as I understand you have a value "x". If "x" is >(greater) "a" &&(AND) "x" is <(less) than "b" you want to cout.
right guys! i manalged to do the top solution, it was error free however whatever recmax i put in the first expression happens all the time it says monarch is the highest below the reocommended max even when it isnt