Real World Problems

closed account (y0XSE3v7)
Can anyone give me an example of a real world problem for C++, I dont want the solution, just the problem. By real world I mean something a C++ programmer would be requested to do by his boss. It could be a problem you solved before, or were asked to do so.

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I would also like to know what a real "world" example will look like.

Can someone answer?
Some examples that come to my head when I hear "Real world problems".

- Programs that solve complex mathematical equations, think of a missile guidance system, calculate the velocity of the rocket, how much fuel it has, it's parable in correlation to the Earth etc etc.

- Programs that manipulates data, like a bank terminal, or a shop cash registers.

- Software that drives electronic devices, like cable box firmware, modem drivers etc

I hope that's of some use to you. I am having trouble myself figuring out what to do with my programs ( Or even get out of the terminal ).
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