I am trying to run a program that will be able to calculate the average employment rate form the data that is read from the text. When the program executes, it displays the following regardless of whether I have the file employed_15-24yrsOld.txt save onto the computer or not:
Cannot open the input file: ch8_Ex13Data.txt.
Program terminates!
The following is a .txt file (I know this is long):
Australia 62.7 62.1 63.3 59.7
Austria 0 52.8 53.1 54.6
Belgium 30.4 30.3 27.5 25.3
Canada 61.3 56.2 57.7 54.5
Chile 0 26.4 25.4 31.1
CzechRepublic 0 38.3 27.3 25.2
Denmark 65.0 67.1 62.3 55.0
Estonia 51.7 32.9 29.8 34.3
Finland 55.2 42.9 42.1 43.3
France 35.7 28.3 30.2 28.8
Germany 56.4 47.2 42.6 46.6
Greece 30.3 26.9 25.0 13.1
Hungary 0 32.5 21.8 18.6
Iceland 0 68.2 71.6 66.0
Ireland 41.4 49.3 47.8 27.9
Israel 23.6 28.2 26.6 43.5
Italy 29.8 27.8 25.5 20.5
Japan 42.2 42.7 40.9 38.5
Korea 32.5 29.4 29.9 24.2
Luxembourg 43.3 31.8 24.9 21.7
Mexico 0 48.9 43.7 43.1
Netherlands 54.5 66.5 61.7 63.3
NewZealand 59.1 54.2 56.4 49.5
Norway 53.4 58.1 52.9 52.7
Poland 0 24.5 20.9 24.7
Portugal 51.2 41.8 36.1 23.6
SlovakRepublic 0 29.0 25.6 20.1
Slovenia 0 0 34.1 27.3
Spain 38.3 36.3 41.9 20.0
Sweden 66.1 46.7 43.3 40.0
Switzerland 0 65.1 59.9 61.7
Turkey 45.9 37.0 30.2 31.5
UnitedKingdom 70.1 61.5 58.7 50.0
UnitedStates 59.8 59.7 53.9 46.0
Brazil 0 0 52.7 50.0
China 0 61.9 0 53.7
India 0 0 0 33.1
Indonesia 0 0 0 0
RussianFederation 0 34.3 33.1 33.7
SouthAfrica 0 0 15.0 12.2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
this program should calculate country’s average employment rate for age
group persons of 15-24 in employment years 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2012. it uses three arrays: a one-dimensional array to store the country’s names, a (parallel) two-dimensional array to store the average employment rate, and a parallel one-dimensional array to store the percentage of population data.
The percentage of population data is provided in the attached file
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 40; //declaring SIZE as a constant integer of 40
const int COLUMN = 5; //declaring COLUMN as a constant integer of 5
void getData(ifstream& , string [], double [][COLUMN]); //function prototypes defined
void calculateAverage(double [][COLUMN], int);
void calculateGrade(double [][COLUMN], char [], int );
void print(string[], double [][COLUMN], char [], int);
int main()
{ //arrays and variables declared
string names[SIZE];
double testData[SIZE][COLUMN];
char grade[SIZE];
ifstream inFile;
//unable to open file
inFile.open("employed_15-24yrsOld.txt", ios::in); //opens file "employed_15-24yrsOld.txt" durring execution
if (!inFile.eof()) //original expression: if(!infile) //program teminates if filemaneis incorrect
cout << "Cannot open the input file: ch8_Ex13Data.txt." << endl;
cout << "Program terminates!" << endl;
return 1;
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2); //fixes values to two decimal places.
getData(inFile, names, testData); //calling functons defined
calculateAverage(testData, SIZE);
calculateGrade(testData, grade, SIZE);
print(names, testData, grade, SIZE);
return 0;
// Function: getData
// Description:
// This function reads and store data into arrays.
// Parameters:
// ifstream& inf: refers to the filename, a call by reference
// string n[]: name of country
// double tstData[][COLUMN]: employment rate
void getData(ifstream& inf, string n[], double tstData[][COLUMN])
int count=0;
while (!inf.eof())
// Function: calculateAverage
// Description:
// This functon calulate average employment rate
// Parameters:
// double tstData[][COLUMN]: employment rate
// int count: number of rows to be averaged
void calculateAverage(double tstData[][COLUMN],int count)
int i;
int j;
for(j=0; j<count; j++)
double sum=0;
for(i=1;i < COLUMN; i++)
// Function: calculateGrade
// Description:
// this program determines grade based on a range, that is the calculated average employment rate
// ex:
// Average employment rate > 80, N - Relatively no risk
// Average employment rate between 60- 79, L - Relatively low risk
// Average employment rate between 50 and 59, R - Relatively at risk
// Average employment rate below 50, H - Relatively high risk
// Parameters:
// double tstData[][COLUMN]: employment rate
// char gr[]: grade based on partucular range, that is average employment rate
// int count: number of rows
void calculateGrade(double tstData[][COLUMN], char gr[], int count)
int i;
int j;
else if (tstData[i][0] && tstData[i][0] < 80)
else if (tstData[i][0] && tstData[i][0] < 60)
else if (tstData[i][0]>=60 && tstData[i][0]< 80)
else if (tstData[i][0]>=50 && tstData[i][0]< 60)
// Function: print
// Description:
// this function displays the output of the results
// Parameters:
// string n[]: name of country
// double tstData[SIZE][COLUMN]: employment rate
// char gr[]: grade based on partucular range, that is average employment rate
// int count: number of rows
void print(string n[], double tstData[SIZE][COLUMN], char gr[], int count)
int i;
cout<<"Name"<<" "<<"1990"<<" "<<"2000"<<" "<<"2005"<<" "<<"2012"<<" "<<"Average"<<" "<<"Grade"<<endl;
cout<<n[count]<<" "<<tstData[count][1]<<" "<<tstData[count][2]<<" "<<tstData[count][3]<<" "<<tstData[count][4]<<" "<<tstData[count][5]<<" "<<gr<<endl;
cout<<n[count]<<" "<<tstData[count][1]<<" "<<tstData[count][2]<<" "<<tstData[count][3]<<" "<<tstData[count][4]<<" "<<tstData[count][5]<<" "<<gr<<endl;
I am trying to output the following.
Name 1990 2000 2005 2012 Average Grade
Australia 62.7 62.1 63.3 59.7 49.56 L
Austria 0 52.8 53.1 54.6 32.1 H
Belgium 30.4 30.3 27.5 25.3 22.7 H
Canada 61.3 56.2 57.7 54.5 45.94 R
Chile 0 26.4 25.4 31.1 16.58 H
CzechRepublic 0 38.3 27.3 25.2 18.16 H
Denmark 65 67.1 62.3 55 49.88 L
Estonia 51.7 32.9 29.8 34.3 29.74 H
Finland 55.2 42.9 42.1 43.3 36.7 H
France 35.7 28.3 30.2 28.8 24.6 H
Germany 56.4 47.2 42.6 46.6 38.56 H
Greece 30.3 26.9 25 13.1 19.06 H
Hungary 0 32.5 21.8 18.6 14.58 H
Iceland 0 68.2 71.6 66 41.16 R
Ireland 41.4 49.3 47.8 27.9 33.28 H
Israel 23.6 28.2 26.6 43.5 24.38 H
Italy 29.8 27.8 25.5 20.5 20.72 H
Japan 42.2 42.7 40.9 38.5 32.86 H
Korea 32.5 29.4 29.9 24.2 23.2 H
Luxembourg 43.3 31.8 24.9 21.7 24.34 H
Mexico 0 48.9 43.7 43.1 27.14 H
Netherlands 54.5 66.5 61.7 63.3 49.2 L
NewZealand 59.1 54.2 56.4 49.5 43.84 R
Norway 53.4 58.1 52.9 52.7 43.42 R
Poland 0 24.5 20.9 24.7 14.02 H
Portugal 51.2 41.8 36.1 23.6 30.54 H
SlovakRepublic 0 29 25.6 20.1 14.94 H
Slovenia 0 0 34.1 27.3 12.28 H
Spain 38.3 36.3 41.9 20 27.3 H
Sweden 66.1 46.7 43.3 40 39.22 H
Switzerland 0 65.1 59.9 61.7 37.34 H
Turkey 45.9 37 30.2 31.5 28.92 H
UnitedKingdom 70.1 61.5 58.7 50 48.06 L
UnitedStates 59.8 59.7 53.9 46 43.88 R
Brazil 0 0 52.7 50 20.54 H
China 0 61.9 0 53.7 23.12 H
India 0 0 0 33.1 6.62 H
Indonesia 0 0 0 0 0 H
RussianFederation 0 34.3 33.1 33.7 20.22 H
SouthAfrica 0 0 15 12.2 5.44 H
Group Age 15-24 Years Old Employment Average: 35.24
Press any key to continue...
Any suggestions will be appreciated :)